The wink indicates irony in this case.
Anyway, I've got some more info for the OP. I fired up one of my ugly old comcast remotes, and it was cable code locked. So to unlock it, press CBL, then hold Setup for 2 blinks, then 982 (4 blinks means unlocked, 2 means locked). Then hold Setup for 2 blinks again then 00775 (assigns Dish device code). Then proceed with the 5 digit versions of the codes I posted earlier.
Anyway, I've got some more info for the OP. I fired up one of my ugly old comcast remotes, and it was cable code locked. So to unlock it, press CBL, then hold Setup for 2 blinks, then 982 (4 blinks means unlocked, 2 means locked). Then hold Setup for 2 blinks again then 00775 (assigns Dish device code). Then proceed with the 5 digit versions of the codes I posted earlier.