Just received my copies of Mr & Mrs Smith and Hoodwinked from Poland the other day. These may well be my final 2 HD DVD titles I buy for several reasons. Mainly because I own well over 300 HD DVDs and there just aren't that many left that I don't have that I want. And of those remaining few, none are easily found nor are they being sold for a price I find acceptable. I mean, while I would LUV to have Band of Brothers, those sets are still in excess of $100+ and I can get the BD version for substantially less. And I could use the BD version because I finally just bought my first BDP the other day. So, while I will continue to enjoy my HD DVDs for years to come, I think my HD DVD buying days are finally over.
Oh yes. The price I paid for these last 2 discs? $23US shipped registered mail.
Oh yes. The price I paid for these last 2 discs? $23US shipped registered mail.