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Yes, I personally would give it 4/5 on PQ. I'd say it pretty much was untouched on the transfer to blu-ray. I'm not overly picky, but I do notice DNR/EE etc if it's grossly overdone and I saw nothing like that on this set, I do want to say EE was subtley used, but I am not a fanatic who is gonna watch a show in slow motion to try and find every problem. If It doesn't jump off the screen at me in normal playback, it's a non-issue to me.
Sound is lacking a bit as it's only a DD 5.1 mix. But it does it pretty well. Not as good as Sky captain pulled off a DD 5.1 track on blu-ray, but the Fringe setup is decent SQ wise.

Thanks. I am not super-picky myself, but the Sarah Connor and Chuck Blu-rays were both horrible.
I liked it because it was different. At least they didn't half explain it away, and I liked the different take on a religious concept. It woulda been a hard movie to end anyways, and its a love it or hate it kinda deal.
Last: Crank 2

Most ridiculous movie I have ever seen. So ridiculous it was funny in places.

On a side note. Another Lionsgate title that I havce had troubles with on a player. This time the 55. Loaded, finally, on the Denon.

Last: Crank 2- High Voltage: Lewd, raunchy, graphic, gruesome, cheesy and way over the top. I absolutely loved it!!!! What a ride!!

If you haven't seen the first Crank, I suggest you see it before this one. It'll prepare you for what you get yourself into with the sequel.
Last: Crank 2- High Voltage: Lewd, raunchy, graphic, gruesome, cheesy and way over the top. I absolutely loved it!!!! What a ride!!

If you haven't seen the first Crank, I suggest you see it before this one. It'll prepare you for what you get yourself into with the sequel.

Sounds like Shoot 'Em Up...another deviant classic.:up
How does Crank 2 compare to the first one? I hated it the first time, but the more I watch it, the more I love it!

Crank 2 is even more extreme and over the top than the first. Just as fun though. You have to have a sense of humor for these movies. You can't take them seriously. If you want silly fun, these are VERY entertaining.
Last: Adventureland (very good movie; easy to relate to being that age during that time)

Next: Torchwood: Children of the Earth (my first chance to see any Torchwood in HD!)
Last: Watchmen.

Finally they sent it. Very good and never read the comic. I was pleasantly surprised that it was much more of a good adult drama and less of a teenager X-men action feature. Interesting morality questions, especially at the end.

Next: Fringe I hope.
Is that the one where they jump into the planets atmosphere, then jump out? Man I loved crap!

Last: Blackhawk Down and Chronicles of Riddick (wife was away last night at a ladies party :) )

Next: Love you man