Last & Next Movie Watched

Last: Underworld: Rise of the Lycans ... I liked. :D

Good to know. But its a shame Kate Beckinsale isnt in it... a great vampire that made the first two. One 'linkage' scene at the end I think.

Netflix still hasnt shipped Watchmen. Its been at the top of my list for awhile now (still at long wait). That bugs me but theres lots to watch so I am not in enough of a hurry to get a BB account at the local store. I suppose they really underestimated how popular it would be and didnt buy enough copies.

So next is "Transporter". Never seen any of them. It was on TV recently but I hate edited movies with commercials.
Good to know. But its a shame Kate Beckinsale isnt in it... a great vampire that made the first two. One 'linkage' scene at the end I think.

Netflix still hasnt shipped Watchmen. Its been at the top of my list for awhile now (still at long wait). That bugs me but theres lots to watch so I am not in enough of a hurry to get a BB account at the local store. I suppose they really underestimated how popular it would be and didnt buy enough copies.

So next is "Transporter". Never seen any of them. It was on TV recently but I hate edited movies with commercials.
After watching it there was no place for Selene in it, it was before her time...
Last: Hannah Montana: The Movie

It's not bad. Kind'a fun. Of course the girls like it. She's got a great career in country when she outgrows the teen scene.

Last: Revolver

Very deep and thoughtful. This Guy Ritchie flick caught me by complete surprise. One of those movies that leaves you with more questions than answers. This was clearly Guy Ritchie's most ambitious film to date. This is also probably why it wasn't a huge success at the box office or the reason why most people have never heard of it. This movie is deep and requires thought. Needless to say, I highly recomend this one! :up:up

Next: I'll be heading to BB for a trade-in. We shall see.....
Wow, not sure if it gets better after the first 15 minutes, because I gave up on it.

That's pretty rare for me, but I just didn't get it.

(Hey, look - 2000 posts for me!)

Not a Tarantino fan I take it? This flick was classic QT. I personally liked Death Proof better than Planet Terror. And to answer your question, yes it get's MUCH better. The last race scene is epic!

On a similar note: I can't wait to see Inglorious Basterds this weekend!!
Last: Death Race

-A mindless action flick. Pretty fun to watch if you don't mind checking your brain at the door. I felt like I was watching a video game for the length of the movie. Jason Statham was MUCH better in Revolver.

Next: ??
Last: Hannah Montana: The Movie

It's not bad. Kind'a fun. Of course the girls like it. She's got a great career in country when she outgrows the teen scene.

With things like that pole dance she did, it wont take long. :p

Last: The Transporter

Good, short and simple action flick.

Next: Stargate season 8 (missed most seasons and almost done)

Still no joy on Watchmen but my DVR is backed up as it is.
Not a Tarantino fan I take it? This flick was classic QT. I personally liked Death Proof better than Planet Terror. And to answer your question, yes it get's MUCH better. The last race scene is epic!

On a similar note: I can't wait to see Inglorious Basterds this weekend!!

I actually am a fan, generally - Kill Bill & Pulp Fiction especially, but I also liked Reservoir Dogs. Not Jackie Brown as much, and haven't seen Planet Terror.... maybe I should have given it more of a chance - it just didn't grab me, and I was tired, and I'd had it for a week already, so I felt like it was time to send it back to Netflix... maybe I'll try it again another time.

I'm with you, though - Inglorious Basterds is a must see for me... Tarantino and "Nazi-killin'" - can a movie get better than that?
Last: The Watchmen

Finally got to see it - and it is very good; sure it cuts out some stuff from the book, but it is pretty true to it. I like it, but am glad to watch it in BD and not in the theater -- a long film. :)