Last & Next Movie Watched

Got a new NEXT: Dodge Ball.... just arrived in the mail today. Now that is a funny flick. If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball. :)
Last: Slumdog Millionaire

Excellent. I found the first 90 minutes better than the last 30 (it turned a little too Hollywood... or is it Bollywood). It took a few minutes for me to understand how it was setup. I dont want to give anything away but in a sense it is a recounting of certain events in the contestants life while he is explaining to an interrogator how he knew the answers. As for best picture, I havent seen Milk yet but so far I agree with the award. However its not as good as No Country For Old Men from the year before. Oh and several parts are not kid friendly.

Next: 24 Redemption.

Missed that one on TV.
Would you say Nixon is thrilling or is it on the boring side of drama. Im wondering if I should watch it with the wife or not. As a reference, she somewhat enjoyed John Adams.
I think she'll be ok with that. John Adams was very historical and we like that stuff. I can handle slow movies if they are fact, because that alone keeps me interested, its slow moving fiction I cant stand.

Last: John Adams (great story)

Next: What Doesnt Kill You
Last: Where in the world is osama bin laden? If you like Morgan Spurlock, you'll like this movie.
Next: The house bunny