Last & Next Movie Watched

The Matrix. Been at least 5-7 years since I last watched it. Just as good as I remember. :)
Great movie IMO, I remember first time I watched, I was nicely impressed, last scenes were great as I was now able to understand the first ones,

Still walked out of the movie theater digesting it, and thinking I have to watch it again.
Last - The Shop Around the Corner, w James Stewart, what a great movie,

Next - A rare gem by John Carpenter which was made for TV (aired on NBC in 1978) :

Someone's Watching Me

with . Lauren Hutton and Adrienne Barbeau
"They Shall Not Grow Old", was $4.99 special price purchase over the Holidays. I had seen it in the theater but it's still a great movie, definitely watch the Extras "Making of" feature afterwards.

Next up is "Guardians of the Galaxy" on Disney+
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I'm in a retro sci-fi mood these days. Watched Silent Running with Bruce Dern. It was better in 1972 when I first watched it.

I hope the moderators don't delete this like they have my other posts lately.
Started watching License to Kill, I don't remember watching it ever before,

But I just couldn't go with it, I just recently learned about people that I knew passing away and I just wasn't in the mood to watch another drama. of people losing a loved one.
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Last movie watched : Captain Marvel
I just watched this last weekend and thought, "Huh. This is the 80s-references superhero film." Once again, WB falls short with their DC properties.

And, the Marvel Stan Lee tribute at the beginning…
I just watched this last weekend and thought, "Huh. This is the 80s-references superhero film." Once again, WB falls short with their DC properties.

And, the Marvel Stan Lee tribute at the beginning…

You have to understand, it a backstory to the appearance and her contribution to the massive Avengers Endgame finale. Also she was teased at the end of Avenger Infinity Wars. They needed to back-fill who Captain Marvel is/was. Once you watch the two Avenger movies Infinity Wars->Endgame, I think you might understand it better.
You have to understand, it a backstory to the appearance and her contribution to the massive Avengers Endgame finale. Also she was teased at the end of Avenger Infinity Wars. They needed to back-fill who Captain Marvel is/was. Once you watch the two Avenger movies Infinity Wars->Endgame, I think you might understand it better.
I always thought growing up Captain Marvel was a man.:facepalm
…They needed to back-fill who Captain Marvel is/was. Once you watch the two Avenger movies Infinity Wars->Endgame, I think you might understand it better.
I had no criticism of Marvel's timeline, I was trying to make the point that I enjoyed the 1980s references in "Captain Marvel" more than I did the "Wonder Woman 1984" movie that is on HBO Max.
Last movie watched was Secret life of walter mitty, man I love that movie is Croods New age UHD tonight as family movie night as tomorrow my daughter has tonsils and adnoids removed so better get that theater popcorn now lol