Last & Next Movie Watched

LAST: Devils Rejects ( fine film for family night...kidding) it was fur for that type of film. had a real 70's feel. pq, aq was ok
NEXT: into season 3 of Lost. need to finish that and 4 before Jan 21

opps devil was in hd dvd sorry
Last: 3 Days Grace Live at the Palace AND Babylon AD
3 Days Grace was awesome if you are a fan, my only complaint is the volume level of the PCM 5.1 track fluctuates, and this was a complaint from reviewers. Still sounds good.
Babylon AD started out so good, and ended so bad. :(

Next: Traitor
Last: Bangkok Dangerous

It was OK. Nothing to write home about.

Pineapple Express was OK. Just a stoner movie with a little action and humor thrown in.

Mummy: Emperor Dragon (except for Maria Bello, weak)

Rescue Dawn
Last: Into the Wild. Every once in a while a film comes out that makes me realize why I enjoy this art form so much. This was one of them. This story about life and happiness has such a great impact on so many different levels. I thought Into the Wild shared one of the greatest stories ever told on film. I recommend this movie in my highest regard.
last : futurama: benders game ( awesome in bluray!)
next : 300 (seen it before but not in bluray)