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Solo. I don't know what the critics thought it should have been, but it was thoroughly enjoyable to me. All the actors were great, especially Donald Glover who had some of Billy Dee Williams little nuances as Lando. One hell of a lot better than the Last Jedi.
Solo. I don't know what the critics thought it should have been, but it was thoroughly enjoyable to me. All the actors were great, especially Donald Glover who had some of Billy Dee Williams little nuances as Lando. One hell of a lot better than the Last Jedi.
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Last, Equalizer 2. Much, much better than first thanks to more backstory reveal. Aligned closer to TV series. Next, Venon.
Godzilla, circa 1955, in Japanese with English subtitles. Last time I saw it was on Million Dollar Movie over WOR-TV in NYC in the olden days hi hi.