Finished Orange is the new Black Season 2 last night, ready for Season 3 when it comes out on Blu ... looks better on the 65" Sony.
Not the best one in the series, but pretty good.
Might watch Black Mass tomorrow night.
watched tonight, agree that there were better movies in this series...Mockingjay, Part 2.
Not bad...saw the pivotal moment coming though...they foreshadowed it way to heavily...otherwise, about as good as part 1...
Forgot to look for it. How good was it?
Personally I liked it. The 1st hour is really good. Basically takes sheik from when he was amateur wrestler (and security for shah of Iran) to coming to the states. His AWA stint and then the WWE (WWF) stint. There isnt any WWE footage due to the rights so they do more like pictures of it. The story of him and Hacksaw Duggan in a car heading to a show (when they got arrested) is funny as heck because its done as a cartoon.Forgot to look for it. How good was it?