Last & Next Movie Watched

Last: Unstoppable (I can watch this one over and over). And just got the BD, $10 at BB with a $5 Mystery Reward discount. Total: $5.37

Next: Contact (picked up at Fry's for $5 last week)
Last: The Family man

One of my favorites. The girls wanted to watch it before heading back to school tomorrow.

Next: maybe Home Alone. There is a new Home Alone movie tomorrow on FamHD

Last: The Thing 2010 prequel (This was good. I like how they integrated the former movie into it so it fits nicely to the plot that was left)

Next: MIB3
I thought I saw this in the store being sold in 3D, but I guess I was wrong.
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Last: The Odd Life of Timothy Green

Really good heartwarming family movie. Had tears in my eyes at the end. AQ/PQ was up to Disney's standards.
