Last & Next Movie Watched

Last: The Grey

Movie: 4.0 It's slow at times, but intense at others, I liked it a lot. Thought the ending was cool
Video: 4.0 Lotta grain at times, but the last 30 mins or so is some very good PQ
Audio: 5.0 Plane crash, as well as other parts, was awesome

Next: Underworld Awakening
Last: 50/50

Missed this in theatrical run. Very good movie, but I think Seth Rogen needs to come up with a different character ;)

Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Anna Kendrick were outstanding and Bryce Dallas Howard as well.

Next: Don't know, currently converting bluray from folder structure to mkv to reduce storage footprint.

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Last: The Truman Show (Currently watching)
- going to spend a week in Seaside, FL (where it was filmed) so using the film to get excited to visit that cool resort town!)

Next: ??
Last: Underworld Awakening

Movie: 3.5 Very short, but that was for the best. Just balls out action for the most part, and I thought it was fun.
Video: 5.0 Stellar
Audio: 5.0 Fantastic as well

Next: Chronicle
Last: Chronicle

Some of the handheld shots were soft, but a lot of the movie looked great. You are either gonna love it, or hate it. I loved it, especially the last 20 minutes.

Next: This Means War

Darkest Hour - Sure, it was a little better than a Syfy flick, but I enjoyed it anyways. I'm gonna disagree with comparisons to this and Skyline. Skyline blew, I wouldnt even put it in the same league as this movie, which aint saying much.

Rampart - Dude is messed up, odd and dark movie as well. I liked it, but thought the ending sucked.

Next: Red Tails or Act of Valor
Last: Act of Valor

Movie: 3.5 I enjoyed the hell out of the actions scenes, but the acting was a tad rough, as to be expected
Video: 3.5 Some shots were amazing, but some of it looked sketchy at times. A lot of it was shot with 5D Mark II's, so you gotta cut it some slack
Audio: 4.5 See mini-guns and boats...

Next: John Carter
Last: Chronicle

Really didn't float my boat. Wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen, or the worst I've seen lately.

Next: The Grey
