Last & Next Movie Watched

Last: Money Ball

Movie: 5.0 Loved it, just a damn good movie
Video: 4.0 Looked great, just dislike grain
Audio: 4.0 Nice sound, nothing to show off you system, but clean. My only complaint is I would have liked a little more from the ballgames

Next: Hugo 3D
Last: The Reunion

Typical Cena/WWE. Not that Cena has made a great movie, but this one is far from his best.

Next: Something 3D or "My Week with Marilyn".

It's odd my Netflix around here is starting to act like BB.

On Monday AM they got the Guard back, and did not remove it from the queue until Tues. In its place they put Ides of March yesterday AM, which is still processing this AM.

They got Moneyball in Tues AM, it stayed in my queue until today, now they show both Drive and Ides "processing".
Last: In Time

Movie: 4 I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, fun robin hood style flick
Video: 5 Gorgeous blu
Audio: 4.5 Wasn't like an action movie soundtrack, but dialog was clear and the action scenes sounded great

Next: Drive
Last: Drive

Movie: 4.0 Enjoyed it, very violent. Also impressed with how they told the story, some might say boring but I was impressed.
Video: 4.5 Excellent transfer
Audio: 4.5 Great sound effects, especially the gunshots

Next: Immortals 3D
Have you seen the originals? I enjoyed them a lot.

Last: Transformers Dark of the Moon 2D

Excellent all around. Big difference watching it this time with the Klipsch speakers and the Hsu, really rocked the place.

Next: Dark Knight
Have you seen the originals? I enjoyed them a lot.

Last: Transformers Dark of the Moon 2D

Excellent all around. Big difference watching it this time with the Klipsch speakers and the Hsu, really rocked the place.

Next: Dark Knight

I have and enjoyed them. My Swedish is quite rusty, though. No Transformers 3D? Only way for me that one was worth it.

I bought it in 2D last year, just wanted to watch it on the new set, and it looked great. I plan on buying 3 in 3D soon, and rewatching with the wife (she loves bayformers). We saw it in 3D in the theater.

With the black performance of this set and the new speakers, can't wait to see Dark Knight. It'a amazing going back and watching something you've already seen, and realizing it sounds/looks even better. To me, this is whats hard about AQ/PQ reviews. Depending on your setup, you can have a different experience from the same movie that others do.

Dark Knight - Been awhile, forgot how good that movie really is. One of my complaints from the past was sound of the movie, felt it was low. Well, after seeing it the first time with the Klipsch and the Gt30, the sound and the blacks were awesome. The armored car IMAX part is demo material.

Star Trek 2009 - Had not seen this since it first released on Blu, and once again, I forgot how good the movie was. Sound was good, but PQ was great.

The Thing (from another world) 1951 (DVD) - It was entertaining, Dad picked it up after we watched it's remake that came out on Blu recently. B&W DVD PQ was damn good between the Oppo and the display. Sound was mono, so not so much ;)

Next: Immortals 3D tonight