Last and Next 3D Movie

Last: Fright Night 3D

3D effects were very well done. Great depth and just the right amount of pop out. Movie itself was so-so.

I'm a bit annoyed with both. It's not the money but the service is really suffering lately.

While Netflix has the inventory now they have pissed me off with their false advertising of 3D titles and then sending out 2D. I got 4 wrong disks in a row! Of course posters on the forums claim there is no 3D but the CEO and their website says they do.

With BB, the frequency and delay in shipping the disks is horrible, to the extent, it is making rental costs more expensive that in store prices. I paid $13 with the taxes to have BB movie pass on my Dish account pushing me to $129 per month and got just one disk in January. It was a nice 3D title but heck, I could have purchased one for that cost. The best month I had was December and I managed 6 disks with store trades.

Oh well, I bought Polar Express and watched it last night. I love this movie and really liked seeing it finally in frame packed Blu Ray. I have the 2D, and anaglyph too so this is my 3rd repurchase of the title. I was waiting for the price to fall and thanks to people here I jumped on the $21 price. Hollywood loves me! :)
Up.jpgLike watching it for the first time... excellent depth, excellent movie.
While Netflix has the inventory now they have pissed me off with their false advertising of 3D titles and then sending out 2D. I got 4 wrong disks in a row! Of course posters on the forums claim there is no 3D but the CEO and their website says they do.

Don, where have you seen 3D titles advertised on Netflix???? I have seen nothing of the sort, and I would like to get some if they do.
Don, where have you seen 3D titles advertised on Netflix???? I have seen nothing of the sort, and I would like to get some if they do.

You can do a search for "3D" on their site and you will get about 10 titles for 3D. I put those titles in my queue and they started coming in. Got 5 so far and even the paper jackets states the disk is in BluRay 3D but the disk itself is not. Complaints filed with no feedback to date. I won't go as far as to ASSUME Netflix has NO 3D. I just know they don't seem to know the difference and are sending out the wrong thing. Some people conclude that if they can't find or get something it doesn't exist. I don't, especially when the CEO Reed Hastings claims Netflix has them in limited supply. Netflix does not as yet have a special link for the 3D title like Blockbuster does, but the search does show the "3D" in the title queue while selecting the same title on a non 3D search will not.
Last: Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D

Great job on the 3D. Looked better than the VOD I watched when I got my VT25.

Im excited, cant wait to see it and Immortals 3D.

I can't believe you put them in the same sentence :doh: They're not even in the same league. Hugo was magical, and the 3D was stupendous. Immortals was mediocre in story. 3D had good depth and detail, but no pop.

Last: Hugo 3D

Wow. Great movie and 3D.


Hugo. Really good move. And outstanding 3d almost all the time. Saw some strange mismatch in some rare instances, e.g. the Lapels at the Academy in the scene near the end.

Next: The Adventures of Tintin