Language is from some very frustrated Canadians!!
Subject: The Carbon Tax LIE
Keep this going the bastards in ottawa get 30% raise and we get 2% The word seniors in canada is a forbidden word plus forgotten by the greedy
Subject: The Carbon Tax
This rumble is now moving across the country and will gain force.
Please don't let this happen any further in Canada. Canada emits only 2% of the world's supply of Greenhouse Gases and 52% of that comes from the Oil Sands Plants.
Automotive emissions are less than 20% of the 48% balance of Canada's 2% of the World Outcome. Do the math, it's such an insignificant amount, it's a joke.
Our fuel prices are now $6.75 per Gallon, equivalent to $6.00 per gallon U.S. When Canadians realize what a jackpot the politicians can get us into by supporting a Carbon Tax, they will be out to get any politician that supports this cause. Dion, Campbell etc. will regret the day they devised this scheme. Americans are screaming at $4.00 a gallon. Our provincial and federal governments are ripping us off with high taxes on fuel now. This is such a cash cow they don't want to stop. Stop excessive taxation and giving our money away abroad. We need more support and tax relief for our senior's and baby boomers now retiring and trying to find a fixed income level they can exist upon after working all their lives and paying heavily into the system.
And I am not an Liberal or NDP supporter. I am a Senior and a middle of the road conservative and we will be a majority in Canada for the next 20 years, so politicians, get smart and support us.
Do some hard thinking about future and protect our seniors and all the population from the excessive costs we are facing now and in the future with more taxes. Technology will fix the Oil Sands problem as they are working on a fix now to reduce that source in the future. Why us with these programs at this time????
Brian Morris, A concerned Sr. and loyal Canadian, Kelowna BC..
Now, a carbon Tax.
Politicians have, in the past, used that bovine excrement phrase of
'cutting taxes' to get you to vote for them. Now, Stephan Dionne, has come
up with a new wrinkle on that old lie : Tax your heating oil and anything
else you burn to move your food and everything else that you have always had
in your life... but, he'll lower your income taxes.
CONSIDER THIS from a one person who has bothered to do the
When a politician's lips move, I know he's probably lying. Mr.
Dion says his carbon tax will be revenue neutral. So, I went online and
found a carbon calculator and keyed in the annual energy consumption for our
household and learned we produce 17 tons of greenhouse gas. Fully 60% of
this usage is for electricity which we use to heat our home.
I have already improved insulation in my walls and replaced my
windows and doors; use the new 'twirley' lights and ensured that my
appliances are all Energy Star products. In the past 20 years, these
measures reduced my electricity usage from 24,000 Kw Hrs per year to 16,000
Kw Hrs per year last years. What is my reward for this improved efficiency?
My power bill is unchanged from what it was 20 years ago. But, my power bill
would attract a carbon tax of $104 in year one of Mr. Dion's plan and $ 416
in year four. My power bill would rise from $166 per month to $210 per month
in year four.
Since I live on a fixed income consisting of CPP and Old Age
Security, my income tax bill runs at less than $200 per year. So, for my
household, Mr. Dion's 'revenue neutral' carbon tax will cost me $416 per
year less income tax reductions of about $10 per year.
Revenue neutral? In a pig's eye! This is a tax on seniors living
on fixed incomes. Well, Mr. Dion, you haven't got a snowball's chance in
hell of ever getting my vote. I hope everyone else takes five minutes to
run the same calculations I did and vote to send this joker to the political
Jon C. Coates - 70 Ridgevalley Rd. - Halifax, N.S. - B3P 2J9
Remember when they brought in the National Income Tax. They promised that it would remain in effect only untill all of Canada's World War One Debt was repaid. Fooled us good. Debt was repaid, but the tax never came off and will be with us for all eternity. How about this Lie, Trudeau imposed a 5% tax on every litre of Gas in order to establish a National Oil Company called Petero Canada. He swore that this tax would come off as soon as Petro Canada was up and running. And so it came to pass, Petro Canada was established, It was sold to private hands, the enormous cash windfall was frittered away AND HIS 5% (plus, plus) still adorns our pumps to this very day. Now how is this for a con job? Take our BC Premier Campbell, PULEEZE. He truly believes that most British Columbians are brain dead. You will keep paying a yearly escalating carbon tax at the pump and you receive a reduction in your provincial Income Tax. The new Political Buzz Word is 'Revenue Nuetral' Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Should this not be called what it truly is. 'RECYCLING YOUR MONEY' Just Think Folks, Another Bureaucracy eating up our our hard earned cash to administer a losers dream.
And Remember, once a goverment gets addicted to a Tax Grab, and you let them get away with it, You have handed them a Carte Blanche ticket to impose new taxes, to keep raising existing ones and use it to buy your votes to boot. If we condone all this, than Premier Cambell is right in assuming that we are all BRAIN DEAD in BC.
remember its amost voting time again.