L4.03 on 622

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Can't find the 'native pass through' I thought was going be in this release.
I didn't read anywhere that native pass-through was coming in this release. Dish is aware of the requests for it, but it's not expected anytime soon.
Wow! If PPV movies can no longer be recorded, I will never purchase another PPV movie again.
Apparently you can still record PPVs to your DVR, but they're flagged "copy-once" or similar and the DVD recorder sees and honors that copy-protection flag. It's the DVD recorder that's telling him it can't record, not the DVR.
Not buying that crap.

From Wikipedia: "...multipath is the propagation phenomenon that results in radio signals' reaching the receiving antenna by two or more paths. Causes of multipath include atmospheric ducting, ionospheric reflection and refraction, and reflection from terrestrial objects, such as mountains and buildings...."

"...multipath causes jitter and ghosting,..."

Well then my problem isn't multipath since the channel was fine before the 4.01 software release, and still is fine on my TV. Sounds like something that happened to me back 10 years ago when I used to get cable on the local channels. Does this really happen with a digital signal? Sounds like a load of bull to me.
Well then my problem isn't multipath since the channel was fine before the 4.01 software release, and still is fine on my TV. Sounds like something that happened to me back 10 years ago when I used to get cable on the local channels. Does this really happen with a digital signal? Sounds like a load of bull to me.

Could be that the latested release had some tweaks to the tuner to make it better able to handle multi-path but in your case it got worse.

Multi-path is legit. It won't cause ghosting with digital but will cause breakups. A lot of things can cause it but the most problems are with people very near the station towers, large obstructions, antennas in an attic or indoor antennas. Think of it as the same signal bouncing off large objects so it reaches your antenna at slightly different times from different directions and it confuses your tuner as to which one to accept.
Apparently you can still record PPVs to your DVR, but they're flagged "copy-once" or similar and the DVD recorder sees and honors that copy-protection flag. It's the DVD recorder that's telling him it can't record, not the DVR.

Yeah, but E* added the flag. :(
When you go to Menu, 6, 3, Counters, Page Down you'll see "Lost Locks" 3:5. That means that your receiver is losing signal on the satellites 3 times on Tuner 1 and 5 times on tuner 2. Obviously that is not true since I can watch TV and didn't have that count before.

It's always been 0:0 for me on every receiver I had there in the same location. But with new software updates, E* found a way to confuse the receivers making it think that is losing the signal. I saw this same problem with my 625 before and it only started with a new software update.

Why in the world do we check it? I just want to make sure everything is fine with the dishes and other equipment. It's a good way to see that everything is working correct but not anymore since it's not longer accurate. :(
I think Mike, you and myself are the only ones that keep checking the lost locks. :)

Well it seems, it's irrelevant to the receivers proper function, however it is annoying to see them going up all the time. At least it bugs me. It always makes me feel like parts of my equipment are failing.:)
When you go to Menu, 6, 3, Counters, Page Down you'll see "Lost Locks" 3:5. That means that your receiver is losing signal on the satellites 3 times on Tuner 1 and 5 times on tuner 2. Obviously that is not true since I can watch TV and didn't have that count before.

It's always been 0:0 for me on every receiver I had there in the same location. But with new software updates, E* found a way to confuse the receivers making it think that is losing the signal. I saw this same problem with my 625 before and it only started with a new software update.

Why in the world do we check it? I just want to make sure everything is fine with the dishes and other equipment. It's a good way to see that everything is working correct but not anymore since it's not longer accurate. :(

I show Lost Locks 8:9 and I know for sure the box rebooted 3 times yesterday
with 4.03 firmware install and 3am update so I lost 110, 119, 129 three times
I've been waiting for a response in either thread but so far no one has tried to record to DVD I guess. I have quite a few PPVs on the HD and will transfer to DVDs starting tonight, since I still have 4.01 just in case your experience is the new SOP.


Yes, I had a couple of movies recorded to the Vip622 DVR and tried to play them back and record to DVD as I have done over a hundred times with Dish, and now it won't let me. It's true, the copy protection message is coming from the DVD Recorder, but Dish turned the flag on the copy protection on the PPV movies with this software version. The movies were recorded many weeks ago, so it was retroactively applied to all PPV movies that were recorded onto the DVR.

Got 4.03 on my 622 today. Was at 3.66.

So far all is ok with recordings and such. Here's what I noticed though. At the end of a recorded program I usually hit stop then select delete.

Usually I see the "Time Left" says like 1-3 minutes. Today I see that it says something random like :23 minutes. If I select done as opposed to delete I go back to the recorded programs list. Go back to the program I was just watching and the correct Time Left is shown.

I have now seen this 5 times. Three of the programs were recorded before the 4.03 upgrade. Two occured with programs recorded after 4.03. The Time Remaining is always random, like it will say :31 or :23 or :21. But leaving that screen and going back to the program all is ok.

This really is a non-issue. Programs are not affected. I just wanted to see if anyone else has noticed this oddity.
Same issue here

Well then my problem isn't multipath since the channel was fine before the 4.01 software release, and still is fine on my TV. Sounds like something that happened to me back 10 years ago when I used to get cable on the local channels. Does this really happen with a digital signal? Sounds like a load of bull to me.

I'm right there with you Building, having the same problem with my OTA CBS in Ankeny. My brother is having the same issue with his in Des Moines. Started when we got 4.01. Didn't get any better with 4.03. Looks fine when I tune with all other HDTVs in my house off the same antenna.

Also noticed that FOX OTA went out tonight which caused the 622 to lock up. Had to reboot to fix it. Wife is not happy when that happens!!
Lost Locks 8:15
lol I like "Ooops:0"

Rebooting mine did not bring back my OTA channels. I guess I will have to call dish..... tomorrow... Im not in the mood tonight.
I had 3.66 and now have 4.03 and lost my OTA also. I only get my locals in HD from the OTA. I rescanned and they found them. I also had to setup any OTA shows to record automatically with the DVR, as they had all been erased.

All my custom names for my 4 custom lists were no longer there. It changed my setup from single to dual mode. I have HD and AT250 and yesterday I could see the NHLHD (VS in HD) games on 9463, guide only showed them after the game had begun. Today that did not work and had to watch the Wings on VS SD. The guide only shows Off Air and did not change after the game started. Tomorrow's NHL games on NHLHD (9463 (VS)), still only show Off Air. The NHLHD (9463) games do appear in the guide beginning with Saturday's games.

Haven't really checked other things yet, but that is what I've noticed so far. Doesn't seem to be any real bad issues for me.
In Digital

From Wikipedia: "...multipath is the propagation phenomenon that results in radio signals' reaching the receiving antenna by two or more paths. Causes of multipath include atmospheric ducting, ionospheric reflection and refraction, and reflection from terrestrial objects, such as mountains and buildings...."

"...multipath causes jitter and ghosting,..."

In digital OTA multipath causes the yellow screen that tells of OTA signal loss. In weaker multipath problems it will cause the pixelization problems that many report on their local stations.
lost locks

I have 23/25 since 4.01 was put on. wish I could reset it as I havent seen a lost lock since I got 4.03. Mine has been working super since 4.03. I can even push back to live tv button and no matter where I am it goes to tv immediately and that has never been the case before.
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622 SD stretch

Dish dimensions and signal quality

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