We have no weather issues down here at this time.
The past few days have been more than clear enough.
I'm able to get White Springs with 100% in the same area that they would be transmitting from. If I can get White Springs perfectly then they most certainly could be transmitting. I'm also able to get all the other channels on 101 perfectly.
There is NO weather issue behind this.
No weather issues at this time, but in general, Ku-Band is unreliable in poor weather. Broadcasters can't afford to have their signal go down when thunderstorms are in the vicinity of the uplink or downlink. For that reason, engineers often view Ku-Band as a transmission means of last resort. There are other, more reliable methods, such as fiber.
There was a memo that went out some time ago (more than a year to be sure) that the management at KUIL was considering dropping the satellite feed due to recurring weather issues. That was long before the station dropped its Fox affiliation.