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This combo begged to be tried because all the parts just fit with minimal work.
I agree. That was the fist thing that came to mind when I bought my B1SATs. I just never got around to trying it out.

I noticed on another C/Ku combo is that the Ku LNB had its own scalar ring in the deep back end of the C waveguide. It doesn't look like we could fit rings back of the B1.
not without milling out that back plate. i did that on one of the broken b1sats that i had but after seeing the teflon 5/16" rod design, i wanted to mess with that instead.
I have the rod now, just trying to find the time to try it. one thing i am trying to understand is how to hold the rod in position.
just an update.
built that teflon rod dual lnb as near to the print as possible including the flared ku waveguide.
all results same as original posts.
which is to say , not very good.
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