KTFQ-DT has just added a new diginet called The Grio on RM ch. 41.5 or RF ch. 16.5 in Albuquerque's TV broadcast market.
The Grio, is in 480i WS, CC no EPG just plain old banner : TheGrio
Other news...
So far no news on NBC Universal Telemundeo on adding LX and unknown new Diginets on their 3 low power stations or even try convert at least one low power station to ATSC 3.0 mode.

The Grio, is in 480i WS, CC no EPG just plain old banner : TheGrio
Other news...
So far no news on NBC Universal Telemundeo on adding LX and unknown new Diginets on their 3 low power stations or even try convert at least one low power station to ATSC 3.0 mode.