Kris Allen is the winner of IDOL

I thought that Adam had it as a sure thing against Kris but Danny Gokey should have been in the top two. I figured with another solid performance or two from him against Adam could have given him a win. I think he could have won if he would not have been eliminated in third place.
I disagree that Adam was more talented than Kris. Kris can play several instruments and he write songs. Adam was a good showman and could sing, but Kris was a lot more talented. You people who said than Kris won because of the teen girls I have to ask what show were you watching? Adam was who got all the teen screams on the show. If you judged by the audience, Adam should have won by a landslide because of all the girls screaming. I don't get what you are saying.
Fact is, the show is 99% a singing contest (leaving out "popularity" for the time being). I don't think it wins any extra points with people when someone can play guitar or piano or write songs.
I am sorry but Kris wasn't that good of a guitarist or a pianist; it is a singing show. And he wasn't that good at that. Adam might have gotten teen screams in the audience, but we were talking about the votes at home.

I wish - and I know its not possible - that they could find a way to limit voting to one vote per phone line. It would truly make it a more meaningful contest. Come on, for a show that less than 30 million people watched, there were just under 100 million votes?
Last year, the people voted for the more talented person and I think this year they did the same. Time will tell, but I think in the end it will all work out. Adam will be successful and so will Kris. The fact that they didn't mention how close the vote was, leads me to believe it wasn't close.
Last year, the people voted for the more talented person and I think this year they did the same. Time will tell, but I think in the end it will all work out. Adam will be successful and so will Kris. The fact that they didn't mention how close the vote was, leads me to believe it wasn't close.

I agree about last year, but think its very hard to make that claim comparing Kris Allen to Adam Lambert. Very hard.
We can agree to disagree on this. I am not saying that Adam was not worthy of winning. He did a great job. He can put on a show. I just think it is unfair to say that Kris won because of teen girls, when the whole while it was Adam that the teen girls were going gaga over. I think that America wants a musician more than a singer to win.
The ironic thing is that in all of the blogging go on today, I have yet to see a single statement that Kris won because he was the best singer.

But yes, we can agree to disagree, its not like we are arguing over Star trek or something really important. ;) :D

Interesting - just came across some ratins info. While the finale show was the best one I have seen, it had the lowest ratings of the 8 year run. Still enough to kick butt against everything else out there, but the lowest ever for Idol.

Ratings: 'Idol' results show finale--The Live Feed
I am sorry but Kris wasn't that good of a guitarist or a pianist; it is a singing show. And he wasn't that good at that. Adam might have gotten teen screams in the audience, but we were talking about the votes at home.

I wish - and I know its not possible - that they could find a way to limit voting to one vote per phone line. It would truly make it a more meaningful contest. Come on, for a show that less than 30 million people watched, there were just under 100 million votes?

A lot of those screams in the audience are prompted by the producers. I've been to live tapings and I've read several accounts of Idol tapings in particular and everything that goes on with that live studio audience is carefully orchestrated, including putting the most attractive, enthusiastic, and energetic people in the first few rows and telling them when to go nuts.

The voting is a big issue with Idol and the reason it will always be more of a popularity contest than a real talent contest. I know some other talent-type shows manage to limit voting (doesn't Dancing with the Stars limit viewers to ten votes?) so there's obviously a reason that Idol doesn't, and it likely has to do with the nature of its fan base, those young people who would actually buy a record album by David Archuletta. :rolleyes:
America is pathetic. Give it to an inferior singer because the better one was gay? Really? Sad is what it is.

My main complaint was that he sang his music with a lot of scccreeeaaammiiinnngggg . I could care less that he is gay , straight, or bisexual. That never entered in my judgment . It was always about the singing and the music.
I'm afraid you're not very "up" on today's music. He is NOT "big hair". It's called "modern rock". Just because that show made him perform songs of that genre (80's big hair) doesn't mean he is.

As of today, the # 1 artist on Billboard is Green Day. What popular artist today is similar to Kris Allen ? And for the record, I didn't have a preference one way or the other between them.

Irregardless to what you consider modern rock , it is not what is played on top 40 music stations around the country. That stlye of "singing" is very much from the big hair bands of the early 80s and late 70s. And for the record I listen to top 40, dance, electronica, pop. I never liked the heavy metal, acid rock sounds and most of America doesn't either as evidenced by the vote last night.
Kris was shocked that he won and that isn't surprising either. He knew his voice didn't stack up against Adam's and honestly, it doesn't. Yes, there is the glam-rocker/hair-band image that Adam also tended to perpetuate, and that music isn't generally anywhere near as popular as today's stuff that tends to pass as "pop" music, so Adam didn't help himself there either.

My main complaint was that he sang his music with a lot of scccreeeaaammiiinnngggg . I could care less that he is gay , straight, or bisexual. That never entered in my judgment . It was always about the singing and the music.

Regardless, you have called him a drag queen twice - and that in itself gets to my criticism.

Yet, I remain convinced that the anti-gay vote was part of it, but not all of it, AND I think the other statement made in the thread is also true that neither Kris Allen nor Danny Gokey really represented "pop music." I think Adam does a better job of representing part of rock, and would fit in pretty darn well with stuff like Green Day.
I never liked the heavy metal, acid rock sounds...
If you're going to debate a topic, at least do it objectively. You state you don't like a music style, feel Adam is that style, then complain that he did as well as he did. Good thing it's not up to you, eh ?
...and most of America doesn't either as evidenced by the vote last night.
Heh, short-term memory there ? I guess you forgot that he made it to the # 2 spot !

And please tell us, what is "Top 40" to you ?
Yet, I remain convinced that the anti-gay vote was part of it, but not all of it,
The problem with that statement, is that most of the anti-gay people out there do not watch shows like American Idol, especially when the performance shows are aired opposite NCIS.

And as I said before, if the bigot vote made any difference, than Fantasia and Ruben would never have won.
Regardless, you have called him a drag queen twice - and that in itself gets to my criticism.

Yet, I remain convinced that the anti-gay vote was part of it, but not all of it, AND I think the other statement made in the thread is also true that neither Kris Allen nor Danny Gokey really represented "pop music." I think Adam does a better job of representing part of rock, and would fit in pretty darn well with stuff like Green Day.

Regardless I have seen drag queens in person and on tv like Ru-paul. I do not like the garish way of dressing and the heavy use of makeup. Adam went overboard with his costume during the finale with the crazy spider legs crap on the shoulders. Not everyone can be lumped into a Redneck category that you would like to put them in. You are being just as biased in your over generalizing of people who don't like Adam as being anti-gay ,when you can't possibly ever know that was the reason why people voted against Adam. How about people liked Chris better - because he was nice , boy next door, humble, non cocky, non arrogant, christian who went to church, who was married and who attended college? That is all factors I liked in addition to his soft accoustic style of singing, the fact that he could play an instrument. Not to mention that many Danny fans went with Chris , once he was voted out last week. Adam will have a career in Broadway , where he will fit in quite nicely with the over the top costumes & makeup. America made the correct choice in Chris because he has more marketability as a top 40 pop singer.He is main stream and that appeals to the majority of America. Not everyone in the country lives on the east or west coast. Some of us live on the third coast- The gulf .
If you're going to debate a topic, at least do it objectively. You state you don't like a music style, feel Adam is that style, then complain that he did as well as he did. Good thing it's not up to you, eh ? Heh, short-term memory there ? I guess you forgot that he made it to the # 2 spot !

And please tell us, what is "Top 40" to you ?

It isn't groups like KISS. They are definitely from the past and should stay there. I never cared that he made it to number two and as we saw the majority of voters liked Chris better. Get over it, your candidate lost , move on with your life. There is always next year.
The problem with that statement, is that most of the anti-gay people out there do not watch shows like American Idol, especially when the performance shows are aired opposite NCIS.

And as I said before, if the bigot vote made any difference, than Fantasia and Ruben would never have won.

If you believe polls, black people are one of the biggest anti-gay groups in the country, so it's possible that they'd vote for Fantasia and Ruben, but not Adam.

Having said that, I don't think the bigot vote (good term, Derwin0 :)) played a very big role. Kris is more popular with 10-13 year old girls who vote 1000 times. I think that was the key to him winning (that's if you think the voting isn't rigged....something I've always wondered about).

Either way, I predict both Kris and Adam to go the way of Taylor Hicks/Fantasia/Bo Bice/Blake Lewis - - - - pretty much nowhere.

If anyone from this season is going to have a successful career selling records, its going to be Allison. Kris and Gokey will sell a few and Adam will have a career in theatre. Just my opinion. :)
Rubbish!!! This was all about religion and sexual preference. If Jewish Simon and Jewish Paula had their way, Jewish and gay (?) Adam would have won and made millions for the Jewish TV owners and producers, directors, etc., etc. Instead a few Jesus freaks used their speed dialers to vote millions of times for Kris. Kris can't hold a candle, or a menorah, to Adam. Kris will join the ranks of the nobodies in the Christian music business and Adam will go on to stardom unless he gets involved in drugs, sex and rock 'n roll (the Holy Trinity of Satanism and the American way).
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Last year, the people voted for the more talented person and I think this year they did the same. Time will tell, but I think in the end it will all work out. Adam will be successful and so will Kris. The fact that they didn't mention how close the vote was, leads me to believe it wasn't close.
Looks like it wasn't close.

Kris Allen Talks 'Idol' Win: 'I'm Just A Regular Guy' | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos
A top FOX source told Access Hollywood that the vote left Kris as the clear winner by a large margin.

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