Kris Allen is the winner of IDOL

That is great news. I am glad to see the country had the good sense to give it to the better singer. Adam was all FLASH & DRAG QUEEN TRASH. I couldn't stand to hear him squeal his songs.
Though i never liked Adam's style, his voice has much more range both in pitch and musical style. I am very surprised that America went for the white-bread straight-up singer rather than glam-rocker who can do vocal calisthenics. A man who can sing slow ballads as well as hang-on-to-your-ass balls-to-the-wall screaming rock & roll should have won a "singing competition".

When Adam sang with all "FLASH & DRAG QUEEN TRASH" Queen and Kiss he fit right in. Kris was completely out of his element singing "We are the Champions". All that was missing for Adam is to have AC/DC or Zep out there! I really wanted to hear him sing Jimmy Page style "Going to California".

Kris is an excellent singer and I don't want to take anything away from him. This is the second time in a row I thought the best singer loses to a generic singer with limited range syalisticcally. Last year the best singer lost in the semifinal (round of 3)

See ya
I have never cared for groups like KISS and other heavy metal bands that equate loud screaming of certain notes with singing and music. I have heard some children and animals make that very sound when they are hurt. America made the right choice. Chris was the better singer and more promotable as a singer in today's music market. The type of music genre of big hair bands that Adam was promoting is and has been out of vogue for some years now. It belongs to the late 70s and early 80s. Adam will still have a career , I am sure. Especially if he goes to broadway where he would fit right in. Broadway is all makeup , costumes and loud singing and that is right up Adam's alley -so to speak.:p
America is pathetic. Give it to an inferior singer because the better one was gay? Really? Sad is what it is.
I doubt gay was what lost it for Adam.
It's probably the heavy rocker'ness that did it.

From the results of 4/29 (Kris - bottom 3, Adam - bottom 2), it shows Kris has had more support from the voters.

As it is, no heavy rocker has won American Idol, Bo Bice lost by a large margin to Carrie Underwood, Chris Doughtry didn't even make it to the top 3 (and was in the bottom 2 before being eliminated).

It goes more in line with America's taste in music, and that taste does not run to heavy rock.

Plus, if America is so pathetic and biased, then no black person would win either, but it's happened twice already.
...Chris Doughtry didn't even make it to the top 3 (and was in the bottom 2 before being eliminated).
Shows what fans of the show know.... Isn't Daughtry by far the most successful "loser" ? I think he's even got Carrie Underwood beat, though she is certainly quite successful herself.
Chris was the better singer and more promotable as a singer in today's music market. The type of music genre of big hair bands that Adam was promoting is and has been out of vogue for some years now. It belongs to the late 70s and early 80s.
I'm afraid you're not very "up" on today's music. He is NOT "big hair". It's called "modern rock". Just because that show made him perform songs of that genre (80's big hair) doesn't mean he is.

As of today, the # 1 artist on Billboard is Green Day. What popular artist today is similar to Kris Allen ? And for the record, I didn't have a preference one way or the other between them.
I'm afraid you're not very "up" on today's music. He is NOT "big hair". It's called "modern rock". Just because that show made him perform songs of that genre (80's big hair) doesn't mean he is.

As of today, the # 1 artist on Billboard is Green Day. What popular artist today is similar to Kris Allen ? And for the record, I didn't have a preference one way or the other between them.

I agree. Kris Allen is great - for a coffeehouse singer, but as a pop star? I don't see it.

In my mind he was maybe the 6th or 7th best singer in the top 13; Why did he win? I see several factors all coming together:

1) The teen idol look - appealed to the millions of teenage girls who spent lots of cell phone minutes voting for him. I don't think that can be discounted.

2) The anti-Adam vote; I still say his being gay played a large role; or more importantly, his being visibly gay. But the makeup he wore - come on, he looks no different than Green Day. But he was perceived as in this thread - "as a drag queen" and for the redneck part of the country, that hurt him.

3) The third argument is the Danny Gokey votes went to Kris; I don't know if I buy that. Maybe it played a role.

But regardless, I thought Kris' being stupefied - and his first comment that this is wrong, Adam should have won, said a lot; and elevated him in my eyes. I don't dislike Kris; I just don't think he is the best performer. We'll see what his album looks like.

Adam, on the other hand, will probably have a heck of a career, and will be a great rock star.

All of this said, I still look forward to the Idol tour this summer; it should be interesting to see how that concert plays out.

And of the whole group, I most look forward to Allison's first album.
Shows what fans of the show know.... Isn't Daughtry by far the most successful "loser" ? I think he's even got Carrie Underwood beat, though she is certainly quite successful herself.
Daughtry is #4 is best selling American Idol alumi.

1 - Kelly Clarkson
2 - Carrie Underwood
3 - Clay Aiken
4 - Chris Daughtry

As it is, American Idol is a big popularity contest, not talent. Or else Taylor Hicks would never have won.
Kris Allen appealed more to the teen girls out there that vote multiple times.
Who really cares who wins a trophy on a tv show. All finalists had the opportunity to perform for millions of people. They were all given a platform to jump start their singing careers. What they do with it is up to them. They are all winners.
Not that it matters much, but according to this: Best-Selling Albums by American Idol Alumni —

Daughtry is 3rd having gone quadruple platinum, with only Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson being ahead.

I went to the RIAA's database, and confirmed that Aiken has never gone more than platinum. Why? Well, I am sitting in a classroom giving an exam, and am bored. :D
You're own link shows Clay Aiken's "Measure of a Man" as going double platinum.

The rankings I gave were in total sales, not the 1st albums. But I will concede that the 1st album is a good indicator, with 2nd album being even better at showing sustainability.
Check out this blog: Ken Levine: American Idol 2009 -- If I'm Being Honest

Has some great one liners.

Still, it was Adam who jump-started the series. He's the one everybody was talking about, he's the reason you watched every week. My guess is all those tweenage girls who were so shattered last year when David Archeletta lost vowed they would never let that happen again. Hell hath no fury like a middle schooler with a Twitter account!

Of course the real winner here is American Idol. People will be talking about this for days.

I felt bad for both of them on the final performance night having to sing that insipid song co-written by Kara DioGuardi.

Go farther and deeper and don't give up your dreams, there are no boundaries, climb every mountain, spread your wings, reach for the stars.

Those lyrics might inspire Mike Tyson to bite someone's ear off but otherwise they're nothing but a string of tired clichés. And the person who co-wrote that drivel is telling other people they're not artists?? Mark my words: after this week you'll hear "Letter to my Teenage Son" by Victor Lundberg on the radio before you ever hear "No Boundaries." More on Kara later.
You're own link shows Clay Aiken's "Measure of a Man" as going double platinum.

The rankings I gave were in total sales, not the 1st albums. But I will concede that the 1st album is a good indicator, with 2nd album being even better at showing sustainability.

Ok, double; not quadruple.
In taking this all together in the past 3 weeks, I was surprised that Kris won-out over Danny. Danny has the much more marketable voice/vocal style. Kris has a legion of teen girl fans that put him into the finals...simple as that.

In a head-to-head matchup between Kris and Adam, Adam wins, hands-down, no contest. Danny vs. Adam would've been much more interesting a finale' matchup, but it didn't happen.

A/I is a singing/vocal talent show...not a religious or sexual-orientation show...that's how I've looked at and I think the judges tried hard to look at it the same way this season. Plain and simple: that's not how 38 million votes out of Arkansas went...they went for Kris. Why? Because that's where he's from and people can vote as many times as they want in the 4-hour window.

Kris was shocked that he won and that isn't surprising either. He knew his voice didn't stack up against Adam's and honestly, it doesn't. Yes, there is the glam-rocker/hair-band image that Adam also tended to perpetuate, and that music isn't generally anywhere near as popular as today's stuff that tends to pass as "pop" music, so Adam didn't help himself there either.

Anyway, Adam will still have a career in music and likely on Broadway as well. Kris' first album ought to be interesting to see which way it leans...pop or country-lite. I hope Allison does an album. I'd like to really hear that.
Daughtry is #4 is best selling American Idol alumi.

1 - Kelly Clarkson
2 - Carrie Underwood
3 - Clay Aiken
4 - Chris Daughtry

As it is, American Idol is a big popularity contest, not talent. Or else Taylor Hicks would never have won.
First, where it Taylor Hicks now ? Oh, and how did his first release go ? :D As stated already, it's a popularity contest first, talent second.

Second, I knew Kelly Clarkson has done fairly well, but didn't she was the best. As for Daughtry, maybe it was "the most successful first release" that he did so well with. Carrie Underwood, I do like, and expect her to remain popular for sometime.

Clay Aiken .... other than I'm shocked he's # 3, well, "no comment" is enough.
I agree with everything rockymtnhigh has said on the reasons Kris won. Don't underestimate the anti-gay sentiment that's been stirred up of late due to the gay marriage issue. Heck, it was enough to get an anti-gay marriage amendment voted into the California State Constitution last fall. We're talking, the STATE OF CALIFORNIA!

It was NOT because Adam was a rocker and his style isn't as current these days that he lost. Didn't a rocker, David Cook, win just last year over a dreamboat boy-next-door kind of guy?

With all that said, the real point I want to make is that thankfully Adam won't now be forced to make his first single that gawd awful, insipid Kara DioGaurdi song. (BTW, I thought it was interesting the way the judges tip-toed around how badly Kris performed that song, to the point of even flubbing the words. I appreciate the respect the judges showed him for his accomplishments, but what is the point of having judges if they don't evaluate the final, culminating, head-to-head sing-off of the entire season.)
...but what is the point of having judges if they don't evaluate the final, culminating, head-to-head sing-off of the entire season.)
Ummm, in case you missed it, once the show is past the try-out stage, the judges don't do anything in regards to picking people. They make comments, criticisms, and so on and no doubt have some influence on some voters. Well, actually, I don't think people listen to Paula ... she gets a bit too taken in by the guys. The new chick doesn't count (yet). Randy is easily the most musically talented but it's either "Dude, you rocked" or "Dawg, hmmm, I don't know". I like Simon, if only for his honesty. Doesn't mean he's right, but he's usually pretty damn close... He did tell Kris early on that he should have kept his wife "hidden" so as to appeal to more girls/women and in turn, win the whole thing.

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