Kids Place Live is not equal to Kids Stuff

Please reply by conversation.
My wife and I have been calling and emailing daily about this.

I have sent emails to: (thanks to thestaton on this thread: link ) - CEO - James E Meyer, President, Operations and Sales - Scott Greenstein, President, Entertainment and Sports - Jeremy Coleman, Entertainment


Call for immediate pick-up @ 888-635-5142 and complain now! This is a high level Sirius complaint phone #.

Thanks for the contact info. I'm on it! :D

Hopefully, everyone else who is dissatisfied will take action as well.
I will add that I have e-mailed Sirius 3 times and have still not received any replies. I was also promised a call from Corporate Headquarters on Wednesday and also still have not received any call backs.

I am concerned that the changes mentioned above will continue to include the DJ that has been on in the morning who thinks he is quite funny, but my children have complained that with all the talking there is no music.

I appreciate the above e-mails for corporate and will be sending complaints as well.

As for calls to Customer Care- good luck, I feel that though my calls have fallen on deaf ears. The only response I have gotten to my complaints is someone asking me if I want to canel my service. But I do keep calling and being as vocal as possible.

Good Luck to all
Petitions are fine, albeit useless. Please continue to call and email the contact numbers and email addresses posted above. This is really the only chance.

XM Kids and Disney are so similar I can't understand why we get both of them and nothing dedicated to the younger singalong set.

Hopefully they'll get it, but people have to keep calling and writing.
Sad news

So, yesterday I e-mailed as many people as possible over at Sirius, trying to get some information on when and if Kid's Stuff would be returning. I was hopeful, having read here that someone heard the programming would be returning in January of 2009.

Well, I'm sad to say I just received the following e-mail reply:

Thanks for taking the time to write, and for putting in a word for Kids Stuff. You're right, the new format is a mix of music and entertainment that is not toddler-focussed. We find that kids as young as 3 start to love Kids Place Live (which has had a really successful run on XM for many years as "XM Kids") but 18 months would be a bit young.

In an ideal world, I'd air both stations but am not in a position to do that right now with our available resources. But we'll consider it for the future, of course.

Again, thanks for writing. I hope that one day Kids Place Live will become a cherished part of your family.


Doesn't sound like there's much hope for me sticking with my subscrition. It's such a shame. We REALLY liked Kid's Stuff :(
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I also got a reply to an email that I sent them. Here is what it said.

"Thank you for contacting SIRIUS regarding the music you've heard on
KidsLive Ch. 116. We understand your frustration, and we're here to
assist you!

We can certainly understand your concern in this matter! SIRIUS
strives on making our programming the best radio has to offer. Song
choices on our music channels are made based on feedback from our
listeners. We are happy to forward your comments and suggestions
regarding the content on KidsLive to our programming department for
further consideration. In the meantime, we suggest requesting songs
and/or emailing your favorite DJs. Please follow the steps below to do
so. Please keep in mind not all of our channels have DJ contact
information. "

I also don't think it is coming back. Time to cancel.
Kids Place Live

I am a longtime XM subscriber. XM Kids (now Kids Place Live) was a station I tuned to because I thought my-then-7 year old might like. I began to like the station more than she did. Most of the music played on the staion during live shows is requested music. The "skits" on Animal Farm can be on the "Bullwinkle" side--I did not understand the jokes on "Bullwinkle" when I was a kid but I think they are a hoot when I became an adult.
Kids Place Live

As an XM subscriber I would be upset as most of you seem to be if they replaced XM Kids with Kids Stuff. It would be a good idea if they could bring back a station catering to younger kids.
As I have said before and have sent multiple emails to Sirius. I pay extra for music channels to listen to music not "talk". If I want talk, I can go back to regular radio or listen to Talk channels on Sirius. My kids are trying to give this channel a chance but so far it is still, no go.
Well yippy for me, I finally got a response back from sirius. Unfortunately not at all promising.

This is the content of the email:

Thank you for contacting SIRIUS with your feedback on the programming change for Kids Place Live, Ch. 116. We understand your frustration and we're here to assist!

Simon, we apologize that you and your daughter are disappointed with the programming change for Kids Place Live, Ch. 116.

In our effort to deliver the best coast-to-coast music and entertainment for your car and home, we have to enhance our music and entertainment lineup from time to time. This round of changes is a direct result of feedback from listeners like you. And it?s just the latest way we?re making sure that SIRIUS remains the premier satellite radio service.

Wolfwood...are you my husband? Your story about the toddler, Kids Stuff, daycare, etc is exactly the situation in my house (except that my toddler is 3). She used to insist on Kids Stuff in the car CONSTANTLY. It was a lifesaver on long car rides (although we did mediate it, 45 miles of Kids stuff, 45 miles of mommy/daddy music). Since the change in formatting when she gets in the car now she says: "I want to listen to mommy and daddy music." How depressing is that for a 3 yr old? She insisted on Radio Disney for a couple of trips, and fortunately decided it wasn't the Disney music she was thinking of. I emailed Sirius, but never heard back. I guess they have a lot of complaints on their hands. Not only was the Kids Stuff format better, but with the new Kids Place I wish I had a 7 second delay so that I could filter what the DJ's are saying, IMHO not appropriate for a toddler. Anyway, Kids Place is no longer a pre-set in our car & there are going to be a LOT of Laurie Berkner Band CD's in my daughter's stocking this Christmas.
Falling On Deaf Ears

I just received replies to my 3 e-mails to customer care (or lack there of) after 1 week of waiting. Guess What??? Alll three were the exact same canned answers. I have a feeling that there is not going to be any resolution to the problem unless we keep calling customer service and verballing telling them what we think.

I have tried giving the station a chance. I do not subscribe to satellite radio to hear their "hosts" make themselves laugh. The music has not been any better. With all of the choices in children's music, I dont understand why they would be playing the Jackson 5 at 8:30 am ET. They could be playing any number of more appropriate artists.

My children do not want to listen to the music as well. Thankfully I have 5 kids CDs in my car that we can listen to.

Trying to keep a positve thought:(
I had a very nice email dialog with Jeremy Coleman who is the head of programming. I recommend emailing him specifically to anyone who has not yet.

The points to make are:
  1. The qualities they consider appealing on the new channel (more variety, more "lively" music, and hosted by DJs) are exactly the things that most young children specifically do NOT like.
  2. You are careful not to let your opinions influence your child's... that is, you are trying to talk up the new format/channel but what you are finding is that your child is simply not interested in the content or music at all and they have become completely disengaged.
Keep up the pressure folks, it sure can't hurt.
Was very upset today when listenting to Kids Place Live and heard Kenny Curtis referring to a video of one of the songs on You Tube. Don't feel that my 4 and 6 year old need to be watching You Tube. If this is supposed to be comercial free radio, give me CDs.
That explains an awful lot. Nevermind changing a channels format due to market research. This was purely money driven then. Commercials vs no commercials. Since in the minds of bean counters the two channels were catering to the same audience... of course get rid of the channel that doesnt have an additional revenue stream... Grrrrr...
It was funny money at best and not an actual revenue stream. It's self promotional crap and occasional artists who come on promo stints but those are most likely freebies.

I'm convinced the people running the show have just gotten stuck so deep in their hole that they can no longer see out. My hope is that whatever company ends up acquiring what's left of the ashes after bankrupsy starts fresh and gets it right.

The whole thins is such a shame - they had a huge blank canvas to work from and killed the goose with all the stupid licensing deals.
Please reply by conversation.

And the new Qualified Entity channel goes to...

Missing audio on half the XM stations

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