Kids Place Live is not equal to Kids Stuff

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Original poster
Jan 31, 2005
Does anyone else completely hate the Kids Place Live channel that Sirius/XM replaced Kids Stuff with. I have a toddler and as a result spend a majority of our time on the Kids Stuff channel. This new format for a lack of better words is annoying as all get out. When my wife took my daughter to school she kept asking for kids stuff and when I picked her up the same thing happened.

When they did finally get to songs they were songs that were not geared for toddlers, but rather tweens. This whole merger thing was supposed to be good for the customers, not affect the channels that subscribers had, but give people more options (should they want them).

At this point, I'm one "interview with a sponsor" away from jumping ship. Which is sad since I've been with Sirius for 5 years now.
Kids Place Live use to be XM Kids.

They air toddler aged programming in the late morning and early afternoon.

When your child gets a little older you will apreciate Kids Place Live, both of my Kids have grown up with Kenny Curtis's Animal Farm and Absolutely Mindy and still listen to this day. Sometimes they even call in and get put on the air which they have fun with.

Give it some time and it will grow on you.
Yeah, I'm aware the programming was ripped straight from XM, after all the DJs kept referring to XM followed by oh our new Sirius listeners.

As for letting the change grow on me, in few years maybe, but not for a two year old. Especially one that doesn't need to be listening to the Jonas Brothers and other tween bands that appear on Radio Disney. The great thing about Kids Stuff was that it was 99% music and 1% station identification and other talk.

I guess the real question shouldn't answered XM users but from Sirius users as they are the ones blindsided by this change.
Kids Place Live use to be XM Kids.

They air toddler aged programming in the late morning and early afternoon.

When your child gets a little older you will apreciate Kids Place Live, both of my Kids have grown up with Kenny Curtis's Animal Farm and Absolutely Mindy and still listen to this day. Sometimes they even call in and get put on the air which they have fun with.

Give it some time and it will grow on you.

the entire trip to school toady was kid talking to a llama on the phone about best friends. My daughter was bored to tears, begging for music.
My wife called me this morning on my way to work absolutely pissed about the new kids channel that replaced Kids Stuff. She hated it, and so did my daughter. Like i need this kind of grief. I listened to it for awhile and I did not care for it. This is a totally different type of radio show than Kids Stuff. I can see having both, but removing Kids Stuff in favor of this "Rick Dees for Kids" show is not cool. My wife wants to cancel Sirius in her car and at home now she is so mad.
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I've done some more research about what exactly Kids Place Live (formerly XMKids) is and how its different than Sirius' Kids Stuff. My major complaint is that I think a lot of kids were very accustomed to "their" channel and any change like this doesn't sit well with small children. The parents then are helpless to fix the situation, and you end up with all amounts of frustration finally pointed straight at Sirius/XM. I think they should have handled this channel merge a little better. Radio Disney is crap, I think we can all agree, and I believe that Kids place live is for older (6-10) kids, whereas Kids Stuff was directed at smaller kids 2-6. IMO, this one shoe will not fit both groups. I think there is room for 3 channels of children's programming on Sirius XM.

I wonder how the complaint lines are going today at Sirius/XM?
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I think we can all agree, and I believe that Kids place live is for older (6-10) kids, whereas Kids Stuff was directed at smaller kids 2-6. IMO, this one shoe will not fit both groups. I think there is room for 3 channels of children's programming on Sirius XM.

I totally agree with this part of what you are saying here.
the entire trip to school toady was kid talking to a llama on the phone about best friends. My daughter was bored to tears, begging for music.
"Don't touch the llama" ;) My toddlers have listened to this channel for awhile since we are xm subs, but they prefer cd's instead of the animal farm. So we have resorted to cd's while paying for xm radio that rarely gets used when the toddlers are in the car. (BTW - it's sad how easily I tune out the kids' music. 20 minutes after dropping the kids off, I realized that I'm STILL playing Clifford The Big Red Dog in the cd player!)
I drove my daughter to school today. She wanted me to turn on kids stuff. After about 5 min. of talk on Kids Place Live she wanted it turned off. I also noticed that they basically have advertising on it. They have promos telling you that the channel is sponsored by different products and to go to to find out more. Kids Stuff was a lot better. My kids knew all the songs. This new one plays a lot of songs that most kids don't know.
Kids Place Live

I completely agree with the sentiments regarding the change over from Kidstuff to Kids Place Live. I have called Sirius Customer Service twice already to complain about the change. I have found that I have not been able to listen to Kids Place Live. The so-called DJ's sounded as though they were patting themselves on the back for being so funny. The one in the morning had a five minute conversation with a father that sounded more like a "buddy" chat than something appropriate for children's music station.

I have two young children and am not at all happy about the music that is being played. The music is more approriate for 'tweens than young children. My kids have missed their favorite songs. I found that I needed to shut off the radio and put on a CD that I had in the car to allow for my kids to hear the music they like.

I plan on continuing to complain to Sirius and encourage others to do the same until Kidstuff is returned to the air!!
Good Morning,

I am wondering is someone out there can expalin to me how "SUGAR, SUGAR" by the Archies is approriate children's music at 7:20 AM ET. I was quite taken aback when that is the first song I heard on the radio this morning!!
I liked that Kids Stuff was all music, we probably listened to that channel more than any other. I doubt I will cancel over it, but I will definately send a complaint if I can't get young kids music when I need it.
As it stands now, I will likely be canceling 2 out of 3 of my receivers. I don't think we're going to get used to this new Kids channel, and the odds of Kids Stuff coming back seem pretty low. I am emailing every address on Sirius that I can get a hold of though in the meantime.
Kids Stuff to return Jan '09

I completely agree with all of the other comments. Kids Stuff was great for my two year old and five year old. They loved it. Kids Place Live is not appropriate for them. It is appropriate for the 'tween age group. So I called the Sirius toll free number to log a complaint. I was told that Kids Stuff will be returning in Jan '09. Let's hope so. My morning commute won't be the same until Kids Stuff is back on Sirius.

Sirius/XM should be able to have three kids channels to choose from: Disney, Kids Place Live, and Kids Stuff. There aren't good channels on mainstream radio for kids. Having all three to pick from on Sirius/XM will allow parents to choose channels that are appropriate for their children.
I completely agree with all of the other comments. Kids Stuff was great for my two year old and five year old. They loved it. Kids Place Live is not appropriate for them. It is appropriate for the 'tween age group. So I called the Sirius toll free number to log a complaint. I was told that Kids Stuff will be returning in Jan '09. Let's hope so. My morning commute won't be the same until Kids Stuff is back on Sirius.

Sirius/XM should be able to have three kids channels to choose from: Disney, Kids Place Live, and Kids Stuff. There aren't good channels on mainstream radio for kids. Having all three to pick from on Sirius/XM will allow parents to choose channels that are appropriate for their children.

I am going to call On Monday to file a complaint. I hope they tell me the same thing. If it is not back. I am going to cancel. You are right. I don't think it is appropriate for young kids. I don't think it is appropriate for my 3 and 5 year old either. I will let everyone know what they tell me.
I was contacted this morning by a rep from Sirius in response to my complaints to Scott Greenstein, Jim Meyer, and Mel Karamazin. The response itself didn't thrill me, but the biggest thing is the lack of any mention of the noted above return of Kids Stuff in January.

Dear Mike,

Your note was passed to me as I oversee the entertainment stations on Sirius including the Kids channel.

I'm really sorry that your daughter is upset about the change. But I think she'll be happy soon. We're still adjusting things but Kids Place Live is going to feature all the same great music that Kids Stuff did, with the addition of some really fun hosts who have amassed a huge following of 3-8 year olds at XM. I hope that your family comes to love the new format as it settles in and takes into account feedback.

Thanks for taking the time to write. All the best,

Jeremy Coleman
Ok, I waited a week and still do not like the new format. Even my 9 year old said that she thinks they talk WAAAAYYY to much on this new kids channel. My younger son does not want to listen to the channel in its current format so we have been listening to CD's in the car now. I will not be canceling my service because of this but am very disappointed.
Yeah this is very sad.

For young children, which was the Sirius Kids 116 target audience, this is not just a format change - it is wholly different and does not hold their interest, let alone provide enjoyable music they can sing along to, which is all young children really want.

Come on SIrius - get this one thing right. You can't mix up a Fisher Price firetruck and an advanced lego set and end up with a toy that either target group wants. These are seperate demographics, period.
So sad :(

Our car trips for the past few days have been pretty sad now that Kid's Stuff is gone. :( I gave the new station some time, but my daughter is two years old and this station has NOTHING to offer her. And, to be honest, I find it completely annoying.

There is no comparing Kid's Place Live to Kid's Stuff. The intended audience is COMPLETELY different and Kid's Place Live is not suitable for children under 6. There is WAY too much talking and the music deals with topics and themes only aprreciated by older children. Unfortunately, Sirius already had a kid's station for this audience, Radio Disney.

Does anyone have any e-mail addresses for me, so that I can send my complaints to where they will be most effective (wishful thinking).

I've already sent one, but I'm not sure it went to the person it should. Also, I found a petition online. I can't attahc it here, but if you search for it on, you can probably find it. SIGN IT! Maybe we can actually do something about this awful change :rolleyes:

Let's keep our fingers crossed!
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And the new Qualified Entity channel goes to...

Missing audio on half the XM stations

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