Keeping Dish receiver on in commercial setting

Hmm crodrules that's an interesting observation. If that's the case I could set an autotune around midnight to change to a music channel. Then if the receiver reboots at 3 AM for updates, when it comes back on maybe it will actually return live to that music channel. Then setup another autotune for Disney at 8 am.

Or yes I could disable all autotunes to see what it does.
Is there a limit to the length of time that an auto tune can be set for? If the nightly reboot is at 3:00 AM, for example, could you set an auto tune at 3:30 AM for twenty-three and a half hours? That would keep the receiver on almost all of the time.
I don't understand why there should be a "duration". All the software needs to do is have a date/time and channel number to switch to. What happens when the duration elapses? It doesn't know what channel to change to again right? They need to revise that whole portion of the software.

If I was using SageTV/ Myth / old school VCR / early gen tivo, etc... you could just configure all the times the channel needed to change. Who cares about a duration, that's handled by the upstream device. I forget but can the VIP211k use a serial control? There is an HP Proliant G9 2U server there running vmware ESXi and on there is a Windows 2012 R2 virtual machine. I could map the server's serial port to this VM, or even spin up another (linux based vm) and map the serial port to that. I saw in some HTPC forums that there was a software written that sends an "Enter" command every few hours to keep these things from going to standby. I believe SageTV users were utilizing it. Or better yet maybe it can be IP controlled like DirecTV has SHEF commands. I do not have the ethernet connected but I could do so if it will DHCP and get on. I would probably want to write an ACL on the switch stack to only allow control from the server though.
Hmm crodrules that's an interesting observation. If that's the case I could set an autotune around midnight to change to a music channel. Then if the receiver reboots at 3 AM for updates, when it comes back on maybe it will actually return live to that music channel. Then setup another autotune for Disney at 8 am.

Or yes I could disable all autotunes to see what it does.

That is why I made my recommendation above. It isn't just music channels that can be different and why I said try something besides Disney. As an example my RSN never goes to sleep either.
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No residential I should have said that, but it still could be different channels will act differently in the Commercial.
The reason I ask, the OP receiver is behaving like a receiver on a residential account, receiver on commercial account don't take nightly update, I think he should contact the commercial department
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I'm thinking this is residential also.

I think Dish purposely wrote the software to act this way to prevent a residential receiver in a commercial environment.

I don't think Disney is available on commercial accounts also.
I agree with you a 100%, their is a lot of activity in the stream lately to prevent this, especially with the new form of piracy coming from people using these receivers to run android servers
It's plugged into an addressable outlet strip made by APC. I logged into the outlet strip and there is no reboot schedule defined for the outlet that the 211k is plugged into. The APC outlet strip is connected to a rack mount CyberPower UPS that is functioning normally as it also powers an HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8, and some Cisco 3750x2 switches and other misc gear.

I thought the account was commercial because on DishOnline we can't make any changes. Online chat reps can't make any changes either. They always tell us we have to call it in. Also they use nearly impossible to remember 4 digit channel numbers for everything. But maybe there is a difference between Residential, Business and Commercial. I can tell you the kids pack is $14.95 and the News pack is another $14.95 and music is $30 on whatever account type we have. It ran music no problem but we've since disconnected the music and news pack.

We have a similar account at our HQ and the receiver never shuts off, though its a different, dual tuner receiver (vip 222k). There is another receiver tuned to music but it is programming from Mood Music. It uses Dish Network technology but the programming is paid to Mood and the channel numbers and content are slightly different (ch 924 Hot FM is currently on). This receiver is thin and says 311 on one side and mpeg2 on the other side. Again it never turns off, ever.

Right now they are just going to deal with it. If I get out there another time I will try setting an auto tune to a music channel at night, then change it to another channel in the morning and see if it does anything at all. I'd think I would need some kind of USB or Serial IR blaster connected to the HP Proliant server and some software to drive it that could automate the process, but I'm not sure as I have not researched that route at this point. I'm sure something is available as there are a lot of those MythTV and SageTV HTPC users out there.
I got a report from the managers at this location that some days this receiver turns on automatically, and some other days it does not. There must be a bug in the software because its set to turn on every day.
Or something else that does not happen everyday or not everyday before they get in is happening.
Is the receiver operating with a G4 smart card and does the software version start with an X. X was an indication that the receiver had a commercial software version which was typically required to prevent sleep or rebooting.

Sent from my LG-D851 using the SatelliteGuys app!
The receiver does not have a 4G card. My commercial account was upgraded with 4G cards and the channel numbers went back to their original location. Dish came out to swap receivers and verify everything was working correctly

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