KATU in Portland Oregon - not HD?


Original poster
May 30, 2005
Just curious, is the feed from Portlands KATU in HD? I thought that Wheel of Fortune would be nice widescreen format but it appears not. I'm tuning to the channel that is marked "HD" but it doesn't look right.
If KATU is anything like it's sister station in Seattle (and it is) they don't broadcast locally syndicated programming Like Wheel or Jeopardy in HD. Watch for network programming between 8-11 PM. I'll bet it is actually HD.
why on earth would they make a decision like that? That is really frustrating that we can't see a show that is filmed in HD in HD!
yeah KATU here in Portland chooses not to broadcast those shows in HD.

just dont bother trying to record KATU HD during primetime to your DVR becau- it wi- be a- stut-ry wi-h a-dio drop-ts a-d it w-ll m-ke it unwatc-ble
Hard to believe, but KATU cannot tape-delay any HD programming. With so many HD-DVRs in homes now you would think that a television station serving a fairly large metropolitian area could record and re-broadcast a TV show in HD, but they clearly can't. Tonight, after the presidential debate, KATU tape-delayed "Pushing Daisies" so they could show it after a local news hour, and it was SD only, because they obviously don't have the equipment to record an HD show off the network feed and show it later in HD. Therefore, all the syndicated programs like "Jeopardy" and "Wheel of Fortune" are also SD only, since those feeds are recorded at various times during the day for later broadcast.
The equipment to broadcast alternate source HD (non-network pass through) is VERY expensive and most stations do not have the resources to plunk down another wad of cash at this time.

They are presently absorbing the enormous expense of converting to digital and cant go the extra mile right now.

Unlike the popular impression, most TV stations are not cash cows, probably 2/3 of them just scrape by.

VIP 222 Video Stutter Problem

Monsters HD

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