Kanye West Comments last night

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Ok my last input on this,

First the mayor has a responsibility to his citizens to not only warn and advise them of impending danger but to protect them and that includes enforcing a mandatory evacuation. If the mayor finds that he doesn't have the resources ( any kind of bus for starters ) then his next course of action should have been to contact the governor to get help in removing as many of the people out of nola as possible. Katrina floundered and grew in size out in the gulf for 5 days but during that time the projected storm paths included a strong potential for nola to take a direct or indirect hit and presumably you would think that the mayor had been keep apprised of this potentially deadly storm.

So now almost a week later we have a city in ruins, we have an estimated potential of 15,000 dead just in nola itself, unknown death tolls in the surrounding parish's wich they are just now starting to get an inkling of the horrors there. The mayor of nola has been so quick to blame everyone above him except for the one most responsible for his citizens wich is himself.

If you want to use race as an excuse then you could always say that the mayors being prejudice towards darker skinned black people because he's light skinned. Its such an easy copout to blame a white president for for being racist and not liking black people for the time it has taken to rescue people in nola, but what would kenye have said if Bush had been a black president. Do you think he would have said that a black Bush doesn't care about black people? I doubt it, I seriously doubt that there would be this much of an uproar.
CPanther95 said:
You crack me up. You question quoting Wilkipedia, but you'll quote some idiot posting on some moron's blog and refer to it as an "article". How dare we question the credentials of "luis" :rolleyes:

Yes how dare we? (Im laughing pretty hard at that one)
EEJay said:
The problem is with the press in general.
Wait a damn minute...I though the press was on YOUR side???? Are they not always refered to as the "liberal" media?
CPanther95 said:
You crack me up. You question quoting Wilkipedia, but you'll quote some idiot posting on some moron's blog and refer to it as an "article". How dare we question the credentials of "luis" :rolleyes:

If you'd bother to look beyond only what you wish to see - you'd realize that the AFP photo and caption was pulled at AFP's request - but the AP's photo and caption are still on Yahoo photos. Two separate companies - still completely irrelevant to the case of racism. It could simply show that the American at AP considers all stealing looting and the French guy at AFP considers them all foraging for food.

Of course that explanation would not synch up with your talking points, now would it?
Actually, my talking point is that there is a problem with the media as a whole. Look back a few posts. And since we all get our news from a variety of sources, although you strike me as a Fox News viewer, it would back up my point that some people would see bias in news reporting.

The black population couldn't care less about CPanther95's belief that there is no race bias in news. The only valid point here is that they do believe that, and there is evidence that goes far beyond this discussion that supports their argument.
There may very well be some race bias in the news media. My problem is when people try to create the evidence to prove it or incite a bunch of people with inflammatory comments instead of intellegently discussing the problem.

... and I'm not talking about you, EEJay - I first saw the photos placed in succession on Bill Mayer's show for effect. That's what I have a problem with, or the comments by Kayne West which lost all credibility when he not only ignored the fundraising aspect of the show, but added the "Bush doesn't care about black people comment".

He basically sold out the Red Cross, and any valid point about racially skewed reporting by the media - just to get a political potshot in.
CPanther95 said:
That's what I have a problem with, or the comments by Kayne West which lost all credibility when he not only ignored the fundraising aspect of the show, but added the "Bush doesn't care about black people comment".
Correct. That statement from him is much harder to argue than his earlier comment about some racial bias in the news reporting.

I'm going to bed. As I told vurbano in another thread, thanks for debating this with me. I appreciate hearing other people's views.
I think the only thing we can agree on is that we all disagree, and we all think we're right, so why don't we just all drop it.

People lived in a part of the country that was highly susceptible to major damage if a big storm rolled through. They've now paid the price for taking that risk. End of story.

People in florida live down there knowing a hurricane will come. People live in california knowing an earthquake could come. People live in buffalo knowing 8ft of snow could come, People live in Phoenix knowing a flood could come, People live in Nebraska knowing a tornado could come, etc...There's no part of the country that's really safe from disaster. The ones that seem pretty safe (Dakota's, montana) are places you don't want to live, so everyone knows the risks and take them.

Not bringing racism into this, I think we can all agree that if this had done the damage in florida or texas, help would have arrived sooner, in bigger supply, period. Regardless of the reasons behind it, that's how it would have been.

And the Louisianna governor is an idiot but it's not because she's a woman as someone pointed out before. It's because she's an idiot, it doesn't go any farther than that. Plenty of male governors are idiots. The governor here in ohio comes to mind...
In a similar vein to the politics/fundraising dynamic:

Why does fundraising need to be bi-partisan? That's more of a rhetorical question, cause we all know the answer - but it's a sad state we're in when we need Clinton and Bush Sr. (jointly) to head any fundraising effort simply because we let the political divisions permeate every single aspect of our lives.

I don't think anyone on the right would argue that Bill Clinton would probably be the more effective fundraiser for disaster relief - and if Bush Sr. were there simply to augment the effort, it wouldn't be a big deal. Unfortunately, it seems that the reality of the situation is that you need both to spearhead the effort in order to give the "other" half of the country the message that's it's "OK" to give.

I hope I'm wrong - but I doubt it. :(
I would like to congratulate my fellow New England Patriot fans for letting Kanye West have it :D , the conservatives in this state go to sporting events, not the pops.

Globe article about NFL kickoff show

Yet it was disconcerting to hear his name booed loudly by Patriots fans who evidently didn't appreciate his nationally televised comment the other night on a Hurricane Katrina benefit that President Bush ''doesn't care about black people." The boos were thunderous and lasted for much of his number.

Way to go, slowly but surely the state will turn
Hart5150 said:
I would like to congratulate my fellow New England Patriot fans for letting Kanye West have it :D , the conservatives in this state go to sporting events, not the pops.

Globe article about NFL kickoff show

Way to go, slowly but surely the state will turn

i have the pregame show taped. is it shown on this? i taped it just in hope to see this moron booed. good for new england.

and the last two are right. no need to give to spits about this idiot.
i have the pregame show taped. is it shown on this? i taped it just in hope to see this moron booed. good for new england.

No, during the pregame they only showed the feed from LA with no audio from gillette stadium.
"Entertainers" need to stick to entertaining and stay out of politics, especially when they are susposed to be involved in a concert for hurricane relief. Not only are his comments outrageous and false but they are totally out of place at such an event.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
"Entertainers" need to stick to entertaining and stay out of politics, especially when ......

Now I am confused, Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger ( just to name 2) used to be "entertainers" gefore they chose a different level of entertainment :D
The purpose of that evening's show was to raise money and awareness and caring for a lot of people that have huge needs. Wether we agree or not with West's comments, that forum was not the place for it. It didn't help solve the problem at hand. There will be plenty of time for finger pointing in the coming months/years, but for now, we need serious people that are willing to do serious work, to help fix a serious problem. Whining about a how someone or some organization didn't meet a certain standard doesn't fix anything. It only continues to separate a country that deeply needs unity right now.

Just my 2 cents....
ahegedus said:
The purpose of that evening's show was to raise money and awareness and caring for a lot of people that have huge needs. Wether we agree or not with West's comments, that forum was not the place for it. It didn't help solve the problem at hand. There will be plenty of time for finger pointing in the coming months/years, but for now, we need serious people that are willing to do serious work, to help fix a serious problem. Whining about a how someone or some organization didn't meet a certain standard doesn't fix anything. It only continues to separate a country that deeply needs unity right now.

Just my 2 cents....

I like that :)

I like what Bill Maher has to say too - he really gets a lot of different people on his show - regardless what party - they are from and sticks it to all of them til it hurts - just to stick it a bit deeper right afterwards:D
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Busses not good enough for New Orleans Mayor

found this while searching for information

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