k, here is my own personal review and i have never owned the box... what i have scared up so far... this includes a cruise thru the eyepatch forums.
They say it can do Dp lnbs with a power inserter. i would like a power inserter that can go right after my boxes cause i only use bandstacked, but it would have to pass diseqc commands cause i use a 8x1 and a 4x1. Now, if it does DP lnbz, then it must do Bandstacked somehow, me thinks.
I read the lnb power supply is less then good and is in danger of self destructing if loaded too much ( too much is undefined) .The JB200 tuner is supposed to run hot and also supposed to be a bit unstable . It is suggested that u may need to change it out to get a good one. I have no heat data on the other 2 tuners available. The S2 tuner is supposed to work and a few folks have defended it on the other forums. The PVR/record function is supposed to be basically non existent i hope it is or was fixed since the posts i read. One of the tuners is supposed to require the mother board shifted slightly to make it enter, but that info was not clear to me. I do not remember it, but there is supposed to be a preferred order for the tuners to be installed. sorry, i forgo the order.
Edit, i just read someone does make it record. so unclear on the limitations there.
the box reads 3rd in the list of hd boxes on Those forums.... in terms of a good box to own. They have a somewhat unique grading system where, no offence Brian, they would not put your boxes... heh we know why thy would not.
I hope they do fix its issues because i do like the idea of the multi tuners , i have not owned anything like that and would love to review it myself.
this is extremely incomplete review, but it is what i have so far on it.