Just Spoke with a directv customer representative...

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I just got off the phone with a D* tech, and he said that when they came in this morning there was a note that there would be a slight delay in rolling out the new HD. He didn't know if that just meant later today or not. He had the new channels running in their office, but they were freezing quite often, so they were working out the kinks before rolling them out. I don't know how much stock to put into what he said, but it may explain why their not up yet. Also, he said a lot more channels would be coming up in the first two weeks in October, which coincides with all the other info posted here over the past few weeks. I didn't get into more detail about what channels these would be as he was quite busy.
They said that 3 channels will be rolled out at 12:01 A.M. tomorrow. They are FNC HD, Weather Channel HD, HBO 2 HD. Then the last week of september they will roll out 5 more. During october they will roll out 5 to 10 a week until they get to a 100 by the end of the year. They said they had some sort of a site that we could view, didnt specify.
That stinks:mad:!


FNC HD does not exist yet; and HBO2 HD will not exist until sometime in calendar 2008. Try it again. :down
What ever ,I'm done listening to anyone on the subject. If D* doesn't come through by the end of September,Then I guess I'll keep my E* HD. This waiting game has by far ran its course.By D* not providing a date ,that just gives them as much time as the want to screw around,It could be months! Anyone with HD has to stay with D* for 2 years ,so what D* got to lose. Nothing IMO.They can take as long as they want.
I just got off the phone with a D* tech, and he said that when they came in this morning there was a note that there would be a slight delay in rolling out the new HD. He didn't know if that just meant later today or not. He had the new channels running in their office, but they were freezing quite often, so they were working out the kinks before rolling them out. I don't know how much stock to put into what he said, but it may explain why their not up yet. Also, he said a lot more channels would be coming up in the first two weeks in October, which coincides with all the other info posted here over the past few weeks. I didn't get into more detail about what channels these would be as he was quite busy.

I wonder if they look like Boston locals did when they got released on the Spaceways. They were terrible with green macro blocking, pixelating, bad motion, audio off, etc. I hope its a small tweak this time. :eek:
At this point, I put as much stock in what a CSR says as I do a politician making campaign promises.

I'm not from Missouri, but show me. Until then I'll remain a skeptic.
I would be nice if all the CSR's at D* would give out the same, accurate, information. I gave them a call a bit ago and I asked the gent when the the new HD channels would roll out, he said today. I said the rumor was that they were supposed to be on at 6AM EDT today but I don't see anything, he went and checked around a bit and then said a few would be on later today. I asked him to check further please since a number of folks had posted they were talking to a CSR last night and they had been given an update of 9/21 turnup, he said he would and was gone for awhile. He came back and said yes it was delayed and they had no new date for when it would happen but they hoped for having them in within a week.

Bottom line is nobody knows for sure when they will be turned on from what I can see, it's all guesses or wishful thinking IMHO.
I just spoke with retention. They put me on hold then came back with this. The reason for the delay is to allow for more people to be upgraded from the TivoHD boxes. I asked if that is the only reason then why make the thousands of us who do have the right equipment wait? She didn't have an explanation. Only saying that is the current info we have.
Not to mention ,Who Paid for our equipment. Thats Lame!!
I just called the exec office line . I got thru to the presidents office.. THEY ARE STATING IT HAS BEEN DELAYED. Some kind of authorization problem is all I was told. She would not go into the technical details.
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I just spoke with retention. They put me on hold then came back with this. The reason for the delay is to allow for more people to be upgraded from the TivoHD boxes. I asked if that is the only reason then why make the thousands of us who do have the right equipment wait? She didn't have an explanation. Only saying that is the current info we have.
This makes absolutely no sense. The people who don't have the right boxes won't see the programming until they get the new boxes whether they roll out or not. This does nothing but irritate those who are already "ready" to receive the new channels. I can't believe any business decision would be made like this, so it sounds like more speculation to me.

I've heard other excus...err, explanations that actually make sense from a business standpoint. This makes none.

Just my opinion, anyway.
I just hung up from a csr that says all she can tell me is they will have over 100 channels by year end !
Just off the phone with retention, mentioned it has been very frustrating the last few weeks, nfl sunday ticket problems, lost recordings due to content not authorized even though I am subscribed to the content, bad data from csr's, dish has the programming now and I dont need to believe empty promises..... and the response was;;;;; we can offer u a 10 dollar discount for one year or a savings of 120,,, my reply,,, money isnt the issue,,, programming is,,, their reply back,,, in addition to the 120 discount, another premium package for 3 months for free... it doesnt get me the HD's any faster, but does help the sting a bit.... btw... these people are real people and even though you may be very frustrated and even angry with the current situation, there is really little to gain by taking it out on the csr's or people in retention, treat them with respect and you may have a better chance of getting something in return... Our problem is with D* and their lack of communication not the people on the front line getting beat up daily..... "Don't shoot the messenger"
I think the D* founder's first English word when he was a baby was "DELAY" come on D* enough is enough, how hard can it be to lite the channels, you dont see E* star having any problems.
I think the D* founder's first English word when he was a baby was "DELAY" come on D* enough is enough, how hard can it be to lite the channels, you dont see E* star having any problems.
No it was "forward" as in "forward looking statements...."
I am sure they want to avoid the problems they had when the locals when live. And I am sure that after they go live there will still be issues that they will have to work on, to peak the system. If they light them up and there is all kinds of problems everyone will yell about them.

Just take one chill pill and check your program guide in the morning.
Please reply by conversation.

zap2it lists 3 hd channels

HD Delay
