Just some questions about the Hd 811

I just joined yesterday with my friend's club dish card and got the free-for-all plan.
but i got only the 811 and the 311. They refused to give me the 811 and 510 at most places. One reseller called back saying he can get me the package provided a sign a 2 year commitment.. i didn't want to do that.
I 811/311 with a 1 year commitment for now.
after one month, hoping to pay $99 to upgrade the 311 to the 510 with reset of the 1 year commitment - so it will end up being a 13 month commitment.. but hopefully only 12 months for HD pak .. in which case it is fine. as i was planning to have the Top60 anyways as long as i have dish.
Is the prepayment discount available for both DHA and owned receivers (FFA)?

The "no commitment" advantage was the crux, the unique benefit, of the DHA, for me. So with that being a moot point with the 811 receiver (HD pak requirement), it doesn't really have an edge over owning the box, does it? In fact, with the commitment still required, owning seems to have the edge, as long as I'd plan on having my basic programming as long as I was required to have the receiver (12 months, per the above HD requirement). That would assume that the standard warranties are the same under both plans. Is this an accurate assumption?

Thanks for the help, in advance. :)
The HD Pack commitment isn't as bad as an AT60 or better commitment for two reasons:
1. It's only $10/mo, instead of $25 minimum per month.
2. If you cancel early, the HD Pack ETF is pro-rated to $10 x moths remaining, instead of the flat $240 of the standard programming commitment.
That's true and I do see your point.

In my case, I would like the 811 to simplify/integrate my setup (currently using a D* receiver to get OTA only and on a promo CATV offer). At a minimum, I would like some of the "basic" networks (Discovery, TLC, HGTV, etc etc) plus the ability to receiver OTA at an affordable price point per month. With no costs to start and free hardware (with either the DHA or FFA) Dish has the edge.

Seeing as I am trying to consolidate my requirements into one carrier, for simplicity (and price) sake, I would be rather unlikely to cancel early and take a penalty and choose to use mulitple pieces of hardware again. The HD pack commitment is something I think is nice but would consider opting out of if it was possible since I have as much OTA HD available as they offer currently. That not being possible, I will be at Dish for a year anyway and would be more likely to dump a "premium" package than the locals+basic offerings, which E* has the best price on (for what I want) anyway.

At least that's the way I reason it. I was originally drawn to the DHA, actually, but once I talked to the E* rep and learned of the HD commitment, I fail to see the benefit, other than no commitment for only one piece of my subscription. If, after the year (which I would reason I would fulfill anyway to avoid the fees even if I disliked E*) I choose to leave E*, I can still sell the hardware for a profit. The bottom line is, if I stay for a year (which I laid out my reasoning for above) it would seem to make sense for me to own. And there's enough reason for me to stay (low price on basic + HD commitment) to think I will do that anway.

That said, I am still curious if there is a difference in the hardware warranties between the two plans. In addition I would like to know if prepayment (and the associated discount) is applicable to both plans or perhaps specific to plans that involve a commitment only.
It sounds like you can go with AT60 and HD Pack, at around $40/mo. ($35 if you don't need Dish Locals.)

Also, (and you didn't hear it from me), if you complain loudly enough about all the bugs in the 811, they might waive the HD Pack commitment.
TheTony said:
With the 811, there is the 1 year HD pak commitment required. If it weren't for that, I might consider the DHA plan, profit aside.

I'm going to be ordering my Dish service as a new subscriber shortly. I was slightly suprised that even the DHA requires a commitment if you want the 811, which seems to be contradictory to the point of choosing DHA.

The way that it was explained to me was this... you are only required to be subscribed to the HD Pack for then length of time you are on the DHA plan, or 1 year, whichever comes first.

If you quit the plan after a month, you do not owe them for 11 months of the HD pack.

The actual DHA plan agreement makes no mention whatsoever about a year commitment to anything. It merely states that if you are leasing the 811, you will subscribe to the HD Pack.
happymister said:
I just joined yesterday with my friend's club dish card and got the free-for-all plan.
but i got only the 811 and the 311. They refused to give me the 811 and 510 at most places. One reseller called back saying he can get me the package provided a sign a 2 year commitment...
If you doublecheck your agreement I think you will find that you are on the FREE DISH Promo, not the FREE-FOR-ALL. All of the terms you mention apply to that promotion.
The Tony said:
...I also find it odd that the new Club Dish cards (one of which I plan to use) make no reference to the free-for-all (own) but rather only discuss the DHA plan. I would imagine I can still choose to own, per the above reasoning.
Club Dish does not apply to the FREE-FOR-ALL promo. That's a cash up-front, monthly credit deal. You can apply your CD card to the FREE DISH promo like happymister.
Thanks for the clarification!

The rep I spoke with must have misinformed me, if that is the case. What a suprise.

John Doe, point taken - I confused the two - I meant free dish. However, according to the E* website, FFA is also eligible under ClubDish.

That just leaves the two open questions I had (warranty/prepayment). I am curious, as well, if DHA subs pay to swap out hardware for newer/different models.

Thanks again!
DHA subscribers are offered upgrade promos from time-to-time after they've established themselves for at least ~9-12 months. And since they are leasing they sometimes pay less for upgrade.

For example, current leasing customers are being allowed to upgrade to the 811 for $99.
Thanks again, JohnDoe#2.

Any word on the warranty and/or prepayment differences between the plans, if any?
Thanks for all the help - I ordered my package today.

Apparently, one of my "locals" (a PBS station 100+ miles away) was not available on the standard dish (110 I assume) and so they are going to send me a different dish to receive that one extra "local" network. I am curious - will this allow me to receive any additional HD programming other than what is in the HD pack (which I understand is on the 110 satellite)?

As well, they told me I had to remain on the HD Pack as long as I am on the DHA plan. I believe it is one year or the length of my DHA subscription, whichever is less, as snathanb said earlier. I will have to call to follow up on this.

I think there was some confusion when I ordered, though. Besides never asking if I wanted a receiver other than the 301, somehow my work order showed as me wanting the international programming dish, which carries a $100 extra fee. I don't know if this is different than the one which allows me that extra local channel, but they corrected it when I spoke with a 2nd rep to confirm my order.

Anyway, thanks again. I will be enjoying my new 811 on Saturday.
JohnDoe#2 said:
If you doublecheck your agreement I think you will find that you are on the FREE DISH Promo, not the FREE-FOR-ALL. All of the terms you mention apply to that promotion. Club Dish does not apply to the FREE-FOR-ALL promo. That's a cash up-front, monthly credit deal. You can apply your CD card to the FREE DISH promo like happymister.
I was charged $49.99+taxes = $52.xx on my credit card... which i was told will
be reimbursed to me via my 1st bill.
i didn't pay for the 811 and 311. they were free to own after 12 months subscription.. atleast that is what was explained to me. I haven't read the agreement.
That is the free dish offer. Free-for-all is valid too, but with the cost of the 811 ($399 via FFA), the credits they provide do not total the cost of the receiver.

I went with the DHA - no commitment, free activation and installation plus a $49.99 credit on my first bill.

Regarding the locals I mentioned earlier, am I correct in assuming that they plan to send me a SuperDish? I don't need that one local, as I said, and as long as the HD programming (at least that available as part of the HD pak) stays on 110, then I should be fine with a Dish500 dish.

It seems like the Superdish is a beast and if I am not using it and likely won't be in the future, it makes sense to stay simple, even if they will offer it to me at no cost.

What are people's thoughts?
snathanb said:
The way that it was explained to me was this... you are only required to be subscribed to the HD Pack for then length of time you are on the DHA plan, or 1 year, whichever comes first.

If you quit the plan after a month, you do not owe them for 11 months of the HD pack.

The actual DHA plan agreement makes no mention whatsoever about a year commitment to anything. It merely states that if you are leasing the 811, you will subscribe to the HD Pack.

Good point, snathanb. Upon talking to the rep, they stressed that with the DHA, as long as I have the 811, I also need to have the HD pack subscription.

Where did you hear about being able to opt out after 1 year? I had heard it at least once before as well, but it sounded like the rep I talked to went as far as to confrim with a supervisor, so it sounds like the official stance on the DHA and the HD pak requirement is as I stated above.
TheTony said:
Good point, snathanb. Upon talking to the rep, they stressed that with the DHA, as long as I have the 811, I also need to have the HD pack subscription.

Where did you hear about being able to opt out after 1 year? I had heard it at least once before as well, but it sounded like the rep I talked to went as far as to confrim with a supervisor, so it sounds like the official stance on the DHA and the HD pak requirement is as I stated above.

1 Year was told to me by the retailer and the DISH csr. However, I am more included to believe the DHA plan agreement that makes no mention of the 1 year opt out.

That said, if rumor is true and TNT-HD is being add to the HD Pak, I don't see me wanting to drop it after a year.

Silver Sensor with 811


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