Just Saw VOOM Commercial in HD on Discovery HD...

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
I guess Discovery HD Theater will be doing more commercial. It started with Circuit City in SD. Now VOOM has its commercial in HD on Discovery HD. One problem they still advertizing HBO-HD on it.
I had a csr tell me when I ordered that they hope to have HBO on by the first of the year.
It doesn't look good to advertise a service you don't have available yet. Isn't Cinemax also mentioned in the commercial ?
Maybe it means HBO and Cinemax are close being put on VOOM. Why would they make a new commercial with these channels advertised if they weren't planning on putting them on ?

Picture-perfect dilema

Red Push on Component Output on VOOM Receiver?
