Just lost 110 & 119- what's going on?

Of course it causes you to imagine that everything went wrong in your setup. I had the following thoughts:

1) "My VIP-211 is on the blink."
2) My DPP-44 switch is screwed up.
3) Water in COAX?
4) DISH shift position during thunderstorm?
5) Darn! I'm gonna have to take off from work and have someone come out and check this.

Thankfully it wasn't my problem.

I have enough stress in my life and don't need thunderstorms in Cheyenne, WY adding to it!:eek:
Had a new roof put on today. When we lost the signal, I could not help but call him and tell him "we had a problem". Guess I (with egg on my face?) will call him early in the a.m. and apologize!!!!
Oh My god!!! Would would happen if Dish/Direct lost their signals for 1/2 a day? Rape and pilfering in the streets? Increased suicides? Murders and robberies increase 10 fold? Panic across the land? People there are more important things than 24/7 TV like spending time with your kids or loved ones while your tv provider fixes things. Within 10 minutes of losing the 110 and 119 here I got 15 phone calls!! People were just throwing fits because the weather knock out the uplink center for awhile. jeesh!
Crap, I knew I should have checked here first. Doing all kinds of diagnostics to figure out what's not wrong with my satellite system instead, didn't have time to boot up the computer!
Storms hung over Cheyenne uplink and dropped all orbitals. They carry your turnarounds- TVLand HBO etc... It has to be clear of heavy rain in both places- the uplink to the bird and the downlink to your receiver.
That's why God made DVRs

When something like this happens, I just find something on my DVR to watch.

Ain't no use gettin' your shorts in a wad over something like this!
lol hapenend to me too

there was putting my receiver through a torturous reboot and it was just dish
I was watching the DVR and the 8 year old comes down and says, it's not working! The TV isn't working. I started watching live TV off 129 after that tho and it seemed to work, not that long after.

Dish Network and Vonage (program access fee)

HD upgrade needs another dish ?

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