Well just got installed. I had a really good installer. However, it was still quite a long install. I pre-ran all the wires and the backfeed wires for the 622 and 322 so the installer had a smile when he came in. My appointment was 12-5 and he came at 12:08! I couldn't believe it!! Got the 322 hooked up and my second tv wouldn't work. turns out it's a really old tv and it wouldn't pickup AIR or Cable for the second tv channel. I replaced it with a modern tv and it works good. We got everything installed (and I say we because I had helped out most of the install do to all my wires\feeds and fta) by 2:30. I found out he gets paid by the hour so there was no rush. We got the 622 installed and it took 10 reboots before it would download the update. he said he runs in to this all the time! After we got it to update the programming didn't take. tv2 seemed to work but we lost video on tv1, the guide was on tv1 but no picture. After 4 more reboots it seemed to work. than it took another 2 hours for the programming to actually take. some channels would come in, the installer was really ticked off at the csr on the phone. so 5hrs later (all pre ran lines and easy connections) it's installed and *crossfingers* working good. Is it normal for the 622 to have all these issues out of the box? hope it doesnt happen again, it was a real biotch to get it to actually work. I do like the guide and features. Really makes my D* boxes look bleak.