Dixie Chicken Rocks!
I have an old Ford 600 for mowing the lane and pulling logs. Got a 1 acre garden, hogs, goats, and chickens. Must have picked and delivered 60 dozen ears of sweet corn this week. The goats & pigs get the stalks.
My favorite hobby is done with a good friend of mine, we travel around the county committing random Christian acts.
Today it was fixing a leaking sink drain for Doreen, a nice widow lady...we overcharged her....2 cups of coffee each!
Yesterday, it was a faulty power switch on a vacuum cleaner for Lucille, another widow, shimmed the plastic slide with a bit of plastic and some epoxy. She asked "How much do I owe you?" "Nothing" I replied. "I have to give you something", she said. "How about a pie?" Nothing beats a pie made by someones grandmother. I hope it's apple.
Last week it was a faulty outside outlet, and removing a hornets nest. Same fee $0.00
I totally respect your benevolent nature and hobbies! I manage to help a few folks out in some manner where I can apply my background and knowledge. It makes a person just feel good to help another!
I helped my close neighbor once with some project, I don't recall what now, but when I was there, it was summer time and I just happened to be dressed in a very casual summer attire. I had a red shirt and jeans and a white sailors cap donned. The lady of the house said that I looked like Gilligan, and it stuck! So, ever since, she cooked me up coconut cream pies for helping out! You just cannot refuse a coconut cream pie baked expressly for you!