Just bought a Samsung UN65NU8000FXZA now my DISH programming looks terrible

Yeah, same here, if the Dish image is overall "super soft", I'm not seeing it but what I think some people don't understand is that Dish is retransmitting an image.

They are doing more than re-transmitting, they are very much re-encoding the signals they get to something lower.

Dish's picture is soft. There's no way around that. Some of it is the source sure but doing a side by side against OTA or something like DirecTV Now that has 10Mbps+ HEVC streams, the difference is obvious.

You all might find Dish's picture "fine" in practice and are more than free to argue that to your eyes it's perfectly fine, but it's a soft picture.
They are doing more than re-transmitting, they are very much re-encoding the signals they get to something lower.

Dish's picture is soft. There's no way around that. Some of it is the source sure but doing a side by side against OTA or something like DirecTV Now that has 10Mbps+ HEVC streams, the difference is obvious.

You all might find Dish's picture "fine" in practice and are more than free to argue that to your eyes it's perfectly fine, but it's a soft picture.

Since last year, most of the softness is gone for me. I have friends next door who have DirecTV and a similar vintage Samsung 75" TV, and I can honestly tell little difference besides the judder on Dish is worse. I even tried pausing "busy" scenes, like the Big Bang Theory intro, which always looked a mess on Dish, and even that looks about the same on both. Neither are still as good as OTA on the big 4 locals, but nothing to complain about (except the judder, which exists on both, but is worse on Dish).
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They are doing more than re-transmitting, they are very much re-encoding the signals they get to something lower.

Dish's picture is soft. There's no way around that. Some of it is the source sure but doing a side by side against OTA or something like DirecTV Now that has 10Mbps+ HEVC streams, the difference is obvious.

You all might find Dish's picture "fine" in practice and are more than free to argue that to your eyes it's perfectly fine, but it's a soft picture.

You are comparing a highly compressed satellite feed to mildly compressed OTA or streaming and expect it to compete? Apples to Oranges my friend.

General Rule for feed quality (Best to Worst):
UHD Bluray
4K Stream
HD Stream
HD Cable
SD Cable

Of course there are exceptions as you can get a terrible bluray print or your cable company may have just upgraded to the latest and greatest.

DirecTV and Dish tend to be better than cable because they are pretty much forced to upgrade the systems to make better use to their limited bandwidth.
Since last year, most of the softness is gone for me. I have friends next door who have DirecTV and a similar vintage Samsung 75" TV, and I can honestly tell little difference besides the judder on Dish is worse. I even tried pausing "busy" scenes, like the Big Bang Theory intro, which always looked a mess on Dish, and even that looks about the same on both. Neither are still as good as OTA on the big 4 locals, but nothing to complain about (except the judder, which exists on both, but is worse on Dish).
Yep, a couple of years ago Directv was undoubtedly sharper. Now, not so much.
Also, HD streaming is highly dependent on available bandwidth, which when low can drop the video quality to below HD resolution.
I find it interesting that the OP made this thread and has not signed in since.
They must have figured it out.
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Since last year, most of the softness is gone for me. I have friends next door who have DirecTV and a similar vintage Samsung 75" TV, and I can honestly tell little difference besides the judder on Dish is worse. I even tried pausing "busy" scenes, like the Big Bang Theory intro, which always looked a mess on Dish, and even that looks about the same on both. Neither are still as good as OTA on the big 4 locals, but nothing to complain about (except the judder, which exists on both, but is worse on Dish).

Regarding the judder, how much worse? I realize asking you is subjective but I've considered jumping to DirecTV so I can actually enjoy watching scripted TV shows again. In your opinion is it slightly worse on Dish or significantly worse? In 2016, there was a thread on the other DBS forum complaining about judder on DirecTV that lasted most of the year, but it petered out without anyone saying it was fixed.
Regarding the judder, how much worse? I realize asking you is subjective but I've considered jumping to DirecTV so I can actually enjoy watching scripted TV shows again. In your opinion is it slightly worse on Dish or significantly worse? In 2016, there was a thread on the other DBS forum complaining about judder on DirecTV that lasted most of the year, but it petered out without anyone saying it was fixed.

Well, they both do it, and I cannot say how much DirecTV does it now as I don't watch it all of the time like I do with Dish. When I did have DirecTV just a year ago, my guesstimate is I noticed it a couple of times in an hour show, whereas I now might notice it 3-4 times in an hour show on Dish. I suppose that would make it 25-50% better, but that is just going by my gut feeling. It isn't enough to make me cancel Dish, but I notice it. My wife does not however, so YMMV.
My wife does not however, so YMMV.
I am one that cannot really see 'judder'. (at least what I THINK is judder) Some of this jerkiness I see on Dish I think is related to some sample & hold glitches that people will just call 'judder'. It will have to be REALLY bad for me to notice. I think that is because I am 66 years old and so have watched video from Ada to Zeda and so any jerkiness is baked into my DNA. I don't even notice the green screening of passengers in a moving car that others howl about how fakey it is. Years of B&W movies with stationary cars and moving backgrounds.

But ONE thing I could see that many others couldn't was with the DLP rear projection HDTVs with color wheels. I would see all the chromatic aberration and get nervous just watching the thing. I don't believe I could have watch more than half an hour before fatigue would have forced me to turn the darn thing off. Others couldn't see it even when paused and pointed out.

YMMV, indeed.
Competing video services that provide nearly the same services are not apples and oranges.
When comparing the PQ of a highly compressed service delivered by a severely bandwidth limited means to the PQ of OTA and a stream that can use 25mb dedicated to a single picture, yeah apples and oranges.

I hope you don't expect that the PQ and Audo of that OTA and stream to equal that of an UHD bluray that has 50mb+ bandwidth.
I am one that cannot really see 'judder'. (at least what I THINK is judder) Some of this jerkiness I see on Dish I think is related to some sample & hold glitches that people will just call 'judder'. It will have to be REALLY bad for me to notice. I think that is because I am 66 years old and so have watched video from Ada to Zeda and so any jerkiness is baked into my DNA. I don't even notice the green screening of passengers in a moving car that others howl about how fakey it is. Years of B&W movies with stationary cars and moving backgrounds.

YMMV, indeed.

Honestly, I don't know if the judder I see is frame rate judder or something else. I do know that I never saw it before January 2017 when it suddenly appeared on numerous channels across Dish. At the beginning it was evident on both well lit and low light (night or candle lit) scenes. Over the first month or so, it gradually lessened, until it was only obviously noticeable on dark scenes. Sometimes the judder is so bad someone walking across the field of view in a dark scene actually disappears and appears in the judder. To me, that's totally unacceptable.

All I want to do is, as Charlie famously used to say is "just watch TV". With scripted "film" content on Dish, that hasn't happen for me for a year and a half.

Lost our tv in Denver

Is there any way I can watch MultiView in 1080p or less?

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