Just Ashamed


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Apr 22, 2006
I would like to tell everyone that you have made my mind up for me. If this is how christians act toward one another then you are no different than the rest of us out there. I wanted SkyAngel because I wanted to change my life and now all I see is everyone threatening to sue and complaining how they have done you wrong and it seems like you guys are hoping the service gets shut down so that it can not reach people and make a difference in their lives. If everyone practiced what Jesus said wouldnt you forgive and the turn the other cheek?
"If everyone practiced what Jesus said wouldnt you forgive and the turn the other cheek?"

So based on that, we should turn the other cheek whenever people who are or claim to be preaching God's word do bad things? Should we let priests do things to children? Should we let ministries (or bussinesses as the term fits) get away with taking your money under possible false pretenses, and let them go on and do it to others?

If their contract is clear that the service is not just your lifetime but only the lifetime of how the service is delivered to you, then there should be no lawsuits that win. If they did wrong and people are being swindled then they should answer for that. Period.
That's right. Christians are imperfect people just like everyone else. They have opinions, and can choose to follow the gospel in whatever manner they would like, and to whatever degree they wish. They are susceptible to anger, fear, hate, greed just like anyone else. They can fail to be a perfect example of Christ from time to time.

Terrible, isn't it?
If this is how christians act toward one another then you are no different than the rest of us out there.

...all I see is everyone threatening to sue and complaining how they have done you wrong and it seems like you guys are hoping the service gets shut down..

As some denominations might phrase it, as a fruit inspector I think it's time to kill that tree as a public service before anybody else gets harmed by that poison fruit. :D
As Stacie Orrico put it in her song "Don't Look At Me":
Don't look at me ... if you're looking for perfection ... look at Him.

If I was perfect, I wouldn't need Jesus to save me.

Just who are you to judge those of us who Sky Angel stole $ from? That may sound harsh but they took $ and no longer plan to deliver the "product" eg DBS.

You jump into this conversation a month before DBS ends and start casting stones? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone..........., Judge not lest though be Judged................. Need I go on?

Why don't YOU go make a $1000 DONATION" to sky angel
If everyone practiced what Jesus said wouldnt you forgive and the turn the other cheek?

I don't think that Jesus would allow Sky Angel to get away with what they are doing. Even Jesus got pissed off at those that cheated others. Remember the "cast off" at the temple? We are in the same boat. It is very wrong to allow Sky Angel to get away with cheating lifetime subscribers.
Well, my feathers aren't so ruffled. I pity the folks at Sky Angel. I think they are poor business people and doubt their new IPTV will last any longer than their DBS did. I wish them the best. I support Christian television and any way we can get it to the people. I have stopped promoting Sky Angel and now support GloryStar and MOIPTV instead.
I would like to tell everyone that you have made my mind up for me. If this is how christians act toward one another then you are no different than the rest of us out there. I wanted SkyAngel because I wanted to change my life and now all I see is everyone threatening to sue and complaining how they have done you wrong and it seems like you guys are hoping the service gets shut down so that it can not reach people and make a difference in their lives. If everyone practiced what Jesus said wouldnt you forgive and the turn the other cheek?
remember this verse:
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. - Matt. 7:21.
Don't let your thoughts about Christianity take your eye from the example of Christ. We will all in our human way have a different view of the rights or wrongs of a situation. Fortunately, we are not the ones to judge the "will of the Father". Only He can judge the motive of our actions, He sees our hearts. "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel 16:7

Often folks have been critical of SA, but I can not say who is right or wrong, I can not know the motives of either side.
Often folks have been critical of SA, but I can not say who is right or wrong, I can not know the motives of either side.

Really Bob? Let me give you a hint then. Sky Angel's motive is money. They thought that Lifetime subscribers would just accept their "justification" for ending their service and pay again for IPTV service. Some of us lifetime subscribers just don't see it that way. We paid for Lifetime Sky Angel service and that is what we expect. And it is the way that they are doing it. They have been way less than completely honest with lifetime subscribers.

You have to realize that MANY of us also contributed a lot of money well beyond what our lifetime subscriptions cost in order to help keep Bob Johnson's dream alive. I know some people that contributed money each year and one person who says that over the last ten years his family has given Sky Angel money "in the five figure range" (over $10,000). There is no way to know if that figure is true but I do know a LOT of other people who believed in what Bob was doing and contributed to his dream (some yearly). Now, they feel betrayed because of what his greedy kids are doing. Yes, Bob was a poor business man but he was a very honest man. I'm sure that if he was alive today that he would be honoring our lifetime subscription. And I'm sure that he is rolling over in his grave seeing what his kids are doing now.
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I believe you are correct in saying money is a driving force. I am not sure that the motive is greed, it may be staving off bankruptcy. If SA has cash flow troubles, I doubt they would tell the world about it. I think it would be presumptuous for me to judge their motives. I simply don't know the facts.
I would like to tell everyone that you have made my mind up for me. If this is how christians act toward one another then you are no different than the rest of us out there. I wanted SkyAngel because I wanted to change my life and now all I see is everyone threatening to sue and complaining how they have done you wrong and it seems like you guys are hoping the service gets shut down so that it can not reach people and make a difference in their lives. If everyone practiced what Jesus said wouldnt you forgive and the turn the other cheek?

We are commanded not to sue other Christians. I have no intention to make anyone suffer because of a change in a business that was allowed in the fine print of a contract.

If you look to Christians instead of Christ, you are almost always going to be dissappointed. Paul, said, "Not I, but Christ." Yes, we are called to a holy life, but no we are not going to achieve that on earth. Christ did teach us to turn the other cheek, and we should unless it's a legal matter not against another Christian. We are allowed to seek justice from the courts, but God has not approved hate and spite toward our enemies.

I personally hope SA prospers and can be a good ministry for others. I cancelled my subscription because our bandwidth is just not good enough for the new system.
1. calling there call center yields the reply, "we are restricted from giving out our corporate telephone number.
2. their receptionist transfered me to a recorder to "voice my concern"
3. Mr. Johnsons executive secretary would not take my number
4. they notified lifetime members with a non dated, letter that went out by region over a period of months equaling more than a year
5. They opened a new call center, promoted people, while they did away with lifetime members
6. they have redefined "lifetime members" almost the same way a past president tried to redefine what sex is
7. they cut off lifetime members while operating the company as business as usual using lifetime members assets.

The same actions I received has happened to many.

It is wrong to maintain a company whose assets were largely arrived through the promotion of lifetime members. This in my opinion is the same as selling stock in a company, building the company with the shareholders money, and then telling the shareholders that their shares are worthless. For Sky Angel to keep lifetime members assets is not right, ethical, or in my opinion legal.

The bible say not to judge. If I were to judge their salvation this is condemnation and is wrong. I am however as a Christian suppose to discern truth, and aspire to the path of righteousness despite my sinful nature. In other words, just because I am a sinner doesn't mean I let wrong go by because I am a sinner and need forgiveness. My forgiveness is already cemented in Christ. It cannot be changed. It means that I fight for the truth and when I fall short, I confess and turn from it. This is what I expect from Skyangel. To let them go, when they don't even take calls, or turn course, continues in my opinion to water down Christianity, regardless of what they beam out. A good seed cannot come from a bad one.

With this truth, we are to rebuke our brothers that are going down a wrong path. (it is easy to discern their fruit, simply apply the facts and discern for yourselves) To let this go is not right. We can forgive Enron. We can forget the millions lost for those that are now in there 60's that are cleaning houses not because of bad investment choices but because of management that failed. We can also forgive about insurance companies that did not honor their contracts for hurricane victims due to the destruction being caused by what the insurers say is flood damage. But if we don't hold them accountable, then justice is not served and America continues to erode while Christians continue to look on.

While Skyangel is minor in dollar comparison, the issue is the same and it is not right. I don't want them selling lifetime memberships in the future to my children.

I am taking it upon myself to organize an effort to at least shed the light on skyangel. If you are a lifetime member, and want to know more you can reach me at: ideyas@charter.net

Otherwise you are free to make your own choice. We can all thank Christ for this freedom!
I don't think that Jesus would allow Sky Angel to get away with what they are doing. Even Jesus got pissed off at those that cheated others. Remember the "cast off" at the temple? We are in the same boat. It is very wrong to allow Sky Angel to get away with cheating lifetime subscribers.

For that matter, look at what happened to that couple in the Bible that just lied about the size of their contribution to the ministry. ;)
bmer makes a good point. I thought about how my reaction to SkyAngel would look to non-Christians reading comments on this website before I started posting.

I'm disappointed that my lifetime membership is nearing the end of its life. I purchased my lifetime subscription after the free satellite dish offer ended so I paid for a dish in addition to the lifetime sub.

I hold no hard feelings toward SkyAngel. As someone who works close to the communications industry I am aware that mass communications has changed significantly since I purchased my lifetime subscription. Some media outlets are finding it difficult to survive and others are making major changes in the hopes of surviving. It isn't always a matter of poor management. Technology has changed and our ways of being informed and entertained have changed with them.

When SkyAngel satellite goes dark I will watch more of the stations in my Dish package. I have found that many of my favorite Sky Angel shows are available on the internet. I plan to pull those shows from the ministries websites.

I have donated money annually to my local Christian radio station. If it went off the air tomorrow I would not feel that I had been cheated. My donation went to help that ministry stay on the air as long as possible. The continuing value of our donation may not be visible in the form of an ongoing product, but it is hopefully visible in the changed lives produced along the way. To those who have supported SkyAngel it is safe that we will never know how much good our money has done.

I would like to tell everyone that you have made my mind up for me. If this is how christians act toward one another then you are no different than the rest of us out there. I wanted SkyAngel because I wanted to change my life and now all I see is everyone threatening to sue and complaining how they have done you wrong and it seems like you guys are hoping the service gets shut down so that it can not reach people and make a difference in their lives. If everyone practiced what Jesus said wouldnt you forgive and the turn the other cheek?
:mad:I am ashamed as well, but I know that christians don't act like this. Thank God that there is a change of heart and life when we surrender to Jesus Christ. Money is not the important thing, and we need keep our priorities. God Bless you and don't let so many complaints keep you from the kingdom. Sincerely in Him!
Hey gang keep things in perspective,
The cause of Christ is much larger than Sky Angel. There have always been those who have done things in the name of "Religion" that had no real relationship with Jesus Christ. This issue with Sky Angel, like other "christians" who have fallen too will pass. And ultimately the cause of Christ will continue!
I dont think Jesus would even have a TV if he lived on earth now in the flesh, look what he rode on, a Donkey he could of had the best horse he wanted. Skyangel is a sevice for the lost and saved not all channels are on the up and up but there are a few that can reach people for the good. I didnt make a $1000 donation but I am sitting here with $500 of equipment that i can use for paper weights. the $ the lifetime members lost is not there $ its the Lords, so there anger is of a different kind than non believers.

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