Judge Judy ratings collapse after moving to streaming

The new Bosch: Legacy series is on FreeVee. The content is part of Prime Video. No idea what else might be under the FreeVee banner.

Why do you keep responding to Juan's trolling?
I am not trolling..so please stop with the personal attacks
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Really don't care if her new streaming show doesn't do well (but kinda of funny though). My mother-in-law lived with us for several months before she passed away (RIP) and she loved Judge Judy AND was very hard of hearing so every day we got to hear the judge's annoying voice blasting through the house. Definitely don't miss that! :rolleyes
Real nice excuse making.

Reality is that faux courtroom shows like Judge Judy are really just filler. Most people that are watching TV in that daypart will watch whatever is on whatever channel their favorite news cast is. Amazon vastly over paid for her show. Just like it vastly over paid for the NFL, which it has given out millions of dollars worth of make goods for.

Reality also is that getting ratings for streaming services is pretty rare. They, unlike linear TV, never really tell you how many are watching a particular show. Because it is so small a number.

YTTV adds Scripps News, Ion and Bounce

Average monthly cable package is now $217.42 per month
