Yes, very good point. The show is being canceled because it doesn't work as an ongoing production, but apparently it does work (or at least works much better) as a mini-series-type thing. That argues, perhaps, for more focus on mini-series and less insistence on long-running series, but the reality is that mini-series need to have yet-even-greater ratings to justify the relatively higher cost of production (since an asset is essentially wasted, when the sets and production setups are discarded after the too-few hours of the mini-series are completed). We viewers are like the airline passengers who want the first class seating and service for the bargain basement price.Quite frankly I find it extremely good programming, but I do not think they would have been able to maintain the pace if they had to do multiple seasons. We are getting all the good stuff from about 3 more seasons packed into the last few episodes.