John Dvorak on Dish Network

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
This is an excerpt from John C. Dvoraks article in PC Magazine..

You can read the complete article at,1759,1642653,00.asp

I recently got hold of a remarkable Dish Network 921 set-top box and DVR; it's the size of a PC and loaded to the gills with electronics. It's actually a Linux box; when it boots you can see all the Linux drivers being set up. This is the kind of dedicated computer I like. It's priced at just under $1,000, and it records HDTV! HDTV takes up eight times more disk space than regular video, but the 921 does record it, and it also has both an OTA (over the air) HDTV receiver built in and an analog OTA tuner, as well as two satellite decoders for satellite HDTV. It's a killer box.

A lot of people have been reading about HDTV in PC Magazine, since we see it as part of the digital scene. I'll have more thoughts on HDTV in future columns, especially online at Over the past year, I've changed from an HDTV skeptic to a fan, and I can assure you that you won't regret moving to HD sooner rather than later. And the 921, as well as Samsung's line of HD gear, will drive your old TV set and downconvert the HD signal for you. Even with your old TV, the picture is much better. You can buy an HD tube or projector later.

Ironically, most people who bought pricey plasma screens or big boxes run them without the HDTV feed. At one time, 75 percent of the HD-ready displays were being used not with an HD tuner but to watch DVDs. This is exactly the backward way to go about this. Get the tuner first. It's cheaper and gets you a real HD signal. One incredible aspect of HD that you can appreciate with your old tube is the sound. The sound over the air is true Dolby 5.1, and it's stunning.

Here's the real plug for the Dish Network. I was a DirecTV user for 5 or 6 years, and the programming on the Dish Network is superior. Until you switch over, you can't imagine it. They have all the obscure HBO channels, for example. The Latin stuff (including HBO-Latin) is astonishing. They have the entire Sirius digital radio feed and a lot of other digital audio feeds. And they include crazy networks like RFD-TV, which will play shows that are nothing more than tractors plowing fields—for hours! If you haven't hooked up to satellite TV and have to make a choice, then this system is the one to get. Highly recommended.
We'll have to see how he reacts after using the 921 for an extended period of time. This guy can get ruthless when he's unhappy.
Hey, this guy has a lot of pull with computer nerds (although most of his hardcore readers probably already have illegal dishplayers hooked up).

It's nice to have a friendly media voice touting E* though.... Sometimes it seems E* is invisible in a lot of media outlets.........
BobMurdoch said:
Hey, this guy has a lot of pull with computer nerds (although most of his hardcore readers probably already have illegal dishplayers hooked up).

It's nice to have a friendly media voice touting E* though.... Sometimes it seems E* is invisible in a lot of media outlets.........

Well I am not sure how much pull he has. Amoungst the circles I hange out in he is not that well touted. Kinda of thought of in the same way as Cringley. Nice to see some positive news on the 921. However, when I read it initially I was not impressed with the source but that is me. But I am a sample of one..
the programming on the Dish Network is superior
He just lost any respect I had for him. He's using a HD display and thinks Dish programming is superior? Superior to what? Their HD is great but the SD is muddy water.
He stated why.... He likes the HBO channels that E* has that D* doesn't, as well as a few others.

Do you have E*? The picture has looked pretty good lately (no more of the vapor trails I used to see on big head shots). I'll wait to see once Enterprise starts in the fall though...... WWOR is usually the worst offender.....
DarrellP said:
He just lost any respect I had for him. He's using a HD display and thinks Dish programming is superior? Superior to what? Their HD is great but the SD is muddy water.

He means that Dish's programming is superior in comparison to Directv's. I am not sure if he is talking about picture quality or programming quality though. I think we all know that Dish's PQ is not as good as it should be, but it's still better than Directv and (most) cable systems.
I dumped the Dish SD channels about a year ago, SD is unacceptable on my screen. HD, DVD or NADA! I don't even watch the Voom SD channels and they are far superior to Dish SD.
Chris Walker said:
He means that Dish's programming is superior in comparison to Directv's. I am not sure if he is talking about picture quality or programming quality though. I think we all know that Dish's PQ is not as good as it should be, but it's still better than Directv and (most) cable systems.

Unless he's interested in home Shopping Channels, Pakistani Cricket tournaments, and Australian Rugby, how the hell can he come to the conclusion that Dish's programming is better than DirecTV's?

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