I found out something VERY interesting last night.
I had an OTA timer set to fire at 11 PM and I was watching Ice Station Zebra on TCM on the Hopper 3 in my room. About 2 minutes after 11 both roommates came to my room, "TV's out again!" Well I had some other recordings going at the time and I really didn't want to interrupt them so I went into the living room and fired up the Joey there to check and indeed there was the usual tiling and stuttering making it unwatchable and requiring an H3 reset. I was about to hit the reset button on the H3 but for some reason went to the timer screen instead and was looking at the schedule. Hmmm... one 11 PM OTA recording, other satellite channel timers for movies started at 10 PM. I tuned in to the OTA channel that was recording and everything looked fine but for science I decided to stop the recording. Almost immediately afterward I hear yelling from across the house, "It's back!"
Now why would an OTA recording trigger my Joeys to malfunction?
And tcpuccio1 do you have an OTA adapter on your Hopper 3?
I have this issue also. It has to do with the ota adapter. Just change to an ota channel on a malfunctioning joey for 5-10 seconds then going back to the satellite channel will fix the issue. I finally have everyone in my house trained to do that so that has calmed some of the complaining.