Joey Slow Lately

I know it works on WiFi, but WiFi is not a supported method of connection for vj. The supported connection is ethernet, because I'm sure they knew performance would rely on your network and it could perform poorly if the network isn't bulletproof. Can you try hard wiring your ps3?

Sadly I really can't unless I drill a hole in my ceiling. When I got my house I had my den set up as the entertainment room but things change and my PS3 is literally right above on my router on the next level up.
Just get a Wireless Joey. My Wireless Joey was not affected and is super fast. It's my regular Joey that's incredibly slow.
Well, my ultimate plan was to use a PS4 as a virtual Joey but that "Coming Soon" really has me wondering since that was the last official word on that was in May. I prefer to have it via PS4 as to not have to switch inputs and can use my gaming headset for audio when needed and while stupid, I hate switching inputs.

I digress, if I knew it would've taken this long and we'd still not have a PS4 virtual Joey if have went with the wireless Joey.
After the latest update... still slow and laggy, still freeze-ups, still black screens.

Does anyone know if I get a replacement (regular joey) will it be 'newer' hardware or just the same? The regular Joey really needs a better processor/memory or what ever hardaware the Wireless Joey and Super Joey have.
There is a newer hardware revision of the regular Joey. There appears to be no external difference though and determining if it's the old version or new is tricky. If you get a replacement through Dish, your odds are high of getting a refurbished "old" version anyway. A new customer is likely to get the new model just based on stock of the old one should deplete over time (by now ?). Or, buy a Joey from a retailer/dealer - but ask them. Maybe there's a manufacturing date on the outside of the box but still no guarantee that it's newer. :confused:
My Joeys have gotten noticeably slower since getting S515 last week. Only connected to MOCA. Channel changes and skip forward and back. Skip forward several times can even cause a momentary lost signal message then it comes right back. Only started after the update.
The past two nights I've come home to both my regular Joeys stuck on the TV Activity screen with no available tuners but no tuners are in use. Check the HWS and it is working fine without issue. Reboot both Joeys and they then connect to the HWS, although they are painfully slow. Scrolling through the guide, channel ups/downs, and don't even think about trying to type in the search or On Demand areas. They have been slow for awhile but have gotten much worse since S515.

On a side note, all my locals on the Primetime Anytime transponder have been unwatchable with pixilation twice this week. All other channels are fine. It happened Sunday night during Once Upon a Time and Last night during the Voice. I have Pittsburgh locals on the western arc. Anyone else have an issue with this or is my Hopper going bad?
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Mine slow for weeks, as well. Painfully slow. I wish we could be guaranteed a Joey 2.0 if we upgrade to HWS.
Joeys have gotten slower over time for me as well. It's always funny to me how Dish receivers work great for me when they are first introduced and they slowly get worse as Dish releases updates.
I wish we could be guaranteed a Joey 2.0 if we upgrade to HWS.
I bought a brand new Joey in September and the retailer said they couldn't guarantee that it was the new model. It is just as slow as my original Joey, so either I got the old model or it just doesn't make a lick of difference either way.
so either I got the old model or it just doesn't make a lick of difference either way.
There is supposed to be a version 2 of the regular Joey. There's no discernible difference on the case, the box they come in (I checked two days when I had my Hopper upgraded to the Hopper w/ Sling), and so on. I thought someone said it's indicated on a sticker on the back/bottom of the receiver.

The revised model has a faster CPU and quite a bit more RAM.
Right, so you all are saying that even with the Joey 2.0's faster CPU and increased RAM makes no difference in perceived performance compared to the original Joey's? Your answers are appreciated.

If that is the case, that is pretty sad. I suppose the better tech in it is for something in the future.
I was just about to start a new thread on this. My Joey is stupid slow doing ANYTHING. Try to do a search on it. It's nearly impossible. The cursor either bounces all over the place or is delayed so bad it seems like its not working at all. One push of the page down button on the guide causes it to go two pages down. Sometimes it wont page up at all until I lower the cursor from the top line on the guide to the second line. It's been doing those last 2 things for a long time but now it does them only slower after the last update. It's a major PITA to use now.
I was just about to start a new thread on this. My Joey is stupid slow doing ANYTHING. Try to do a search on it. It's nearly impossible. The cursor either bounces all over the place or is delayed so bad it seems like its not working at all. One push of the page down button on the guide causes it to go two pages down. Sometimes it wont page up at all until I lower the cursor from the top line on the guide to the second line. It's been doing those last 2 things for a long time but now it does them only slower after the last update. It's a major PITA to use now.

Same here, the Hopper/Joey system is all F*d now, they keep breaking it with new stupid features and not fixing what customers request fixing.
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