Joey 4 w/o Hopper


A mighty and noble race originating on Altair IV.
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Jan 4, 2007
Fairfax, VA
Can you use a Joey 4s for streaming when the Hopper is temporarily offline for some reason?
And yet a Joey 3 is perfectly happy without its MoCA connection as long as it has Ethernet. This "route everything through the Hopper" philosophy seems less than optimal, particularly for streaming.
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And yet a Joey 3 is perfectly happy without its MoCA connection as long as it has Ethernet. This "route everything through the Hopper" philosophy seems less than optimal, particularly for streaming.
What do you mean by that? If you're talking about having a Joey connected over ethernet rather than coax then it's technically still using moca and still won't function without a hopper. If you connect the Joey just to your router with no hopper then it won't do anything at all.
If you connect the Joey just to your router with no hopper then it won't do anything at all.
I wasn't referring to booting off the Hopper or playing video off the Hopper. That can clearly work over Ethernet alone when the Hopper is alive and well. What I was referring to was the possibility that the Hopper could fail in some way (such as crash) after the J4 is already authorized and loaded and streaming off the Internet (if that were possible which I gather is an engineering prohibition).

GoogleTV has no issue directly streaming off the Internet w/o a Hopper. So Dish engineers have gone out of their way to force all traffic through the Hopper. That is what I call "less than optimal".
Ahh, good thread to read. So basically, a Joey is just like an extension cord from the Hopper, nothing more. That's why the Hopper is always working overtime - it does basically everything for every tv in your house.
I've often said a Joey is like a monitor on your computer; it doesn't really do anything other than what the computer is doing and putting it in a way that you can see it. Same with the Joey, showing you what the Hopper is doing at that TV
A Joey without a Hopper is like tits on a bull - totally useless.
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Hopper Plus Re-booting Issue

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