I've Been Banned

Would someone please close this thread. This is getting annoying.
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Chuck, just dont read it if it bothers you.
Please watch the language, this is not the pit
Chuck, just dont read it if it bothers you.
Please watch the language, this is not the pit

From the forum description:
Which format do you think is better Blu-Ray or HD DVD? Well here you can debate it!
While you can debate the formats till the cows come home, we ask that there be no personal attacks or flaming, after all everyone is entitled to their opinion. Members violating this will have their access to these areas removed.
Keep spewing your "Blu Elite" crap over where they care. And it's "you're ignored", not "Your ignored". He's called vurbano, not ignored.

YOUR the bestest !!! I wish I was as smart as you. You can spell ! LOL
Personally I think that we should shy away from any discussions of what goes on in other forums. I think that what we have seen here is personal and unwarranted but threads discussing other forums often lead straight downhill.
Personally I think that we should shy away from any discussions of what goes on in other forums. I think that what we have seen here is personal and unwarranted but threads discussing other forums often lead straight downhill.
I think what we are seeing here is just how many of the BD.com people have come over to start trouble. They seem to be the ones with all of the insults and they seem to be the most intolerant. Its a shame.
This thread started as a joke. I had gone somewhere and asked a question and got banned. If the email I got later is correct, I was banned because I've refered several times to "Blu-Ray Bill" in this forum and it became even more bizzare.

I don't see a problem with discussing other forums here as they do exist and impact what goes on here. If you'll notice, "Blu Ray Bill's" site has it's own thread here. I haven't complained...I haven't posted there...I've kept it to myself until this point.

Sat Guy's open policy is big reason people come here. Let's not add another rule about what subjects are off limits. This thread will run it's course and that will be that.
I don't think that you meant any harm and I don't think that your post should have elicited the response it did. I am only saying that comments about other forums tend to lead to things like this. I don't set policy here and am not sure what I do if I did. I am just pointing out what tens to happen.
Look at what I got this morning..LOLOLOL Geez Louise:

Chuck Badonkadonk [chuckbadonkadonk@yahoo.com]

"JameyK stop whinning about being banned from Blu-ray.com. We have seen your threads in other forums where you refer to Digital Bit's Bill Hunt as Blu-Ray Bill. Mr. Hunt has long been a supporter of blu-ray and we do not appreciate the crude moniker you constantly use. We do not want it here.Your own actions have lead to you being banned from blu-ray.com permenately. We do not want you back and stop being pathetic. "

Well...that told me. Ok, I'm proud to be banned!

Matter is closed as far as I'm concerned.

That's hilarious. Apparently the Blu Nazi's are watching other sites. Are you listening blu-boy? And they apparently can't spell either. :D

I would respond to the email with a one liner, from the kid's movie, Big Fat Liar,

"Bite Me, Blu-Boy" ;)
...from Blu-ray.com.

Forever apparently.

I've never been banned in my life.

The reason given was "trolling". I asked a question about imports. The guy who responded, told me to spend "f***ing money in America. I posted back to please clean up the language and I guess that did it.

My point here is this, there are a lot of us who have HD DVD who are going to be asking questions. I've been purple for about a month now, but there are things I still don't know.

Those of us at Sat Guys have fought our battles here and both sides have said some really stupid things. For the most part, it's been high spirited but useful in most cases.

But I would like to ask those of you who have blue from the beginning, to please be patient with those of us who started Red.

I wish there was someone at br.com that I could email and settle whatever is the problem. Anyone know the admin addy? I'll apologise.

I come in peace. I mean no harm. I'm trying to spend some money! :)

Mods: Thanks for letting us work this out here at Sat Guys!!

Let them pop their zits and debate starwars. You're not losing anything.