It's yours

Well I kind of doubt at this point that they will send a Kill All signal. Ppl that cancelled early are out of luck as they got a true kill signal but for those of us who stuck till the bitter end wont be getting one. Maybe if they had some way to make some coin on getting all the units returned they would do a kill all as then there would be no reason to keep the units but since they are now telling ppl their ours it seems foolish to send a kill signal now. Would just lead to a large pile of useless units at landfills.

Lucky me tho, I had Voom units setup in 3 rooms so I have plenty of OTA boxes now, as of my last check 2 days ago all 3 boxes are getting locals np :D
Kill signal

No, Ilya, there was nothing mentioned in the memo about the kill signal or disconnecting the receivers. Soon we will be closing out your accounts, when we do that we create a disconnect work order. When that work order is completed your box is automatically sent a kill signal and your account goes from active to former status. I don't know if kill signals will still be sent out or not but, I thought that better safe than sorry method would be appropriate. For those customers that lost there ota's due to power failures and did not call in to disconnect there services, call us, we can still try to send a hit to the box. I don't know if it will work or not but it is worth a try.
spahoose said:
No, Ilya, there was nothing mentioned in the memo about the kill signal or disconnecting the receivers. Soon we will be closing out your accounts, when we do that we create a disconnect work order. When that work order is completed your box is automatically sent a kill signal and your account goes from active to former status. I don't know if kill signals will still be sent out or not but, I thought that better safe than sorry method would be appropriate. For those customers that lost there ota's due to power failures and did not call in to disconnect there services, call us, we can still try to send a hit to the box. I don't know if it will work or not but it is worth a try.

There are a lot fo us who now have our DIsh 811's hooked up to that dish pointed at that satellite. Is there a chance of some problems?
timmy1376 said:
I would pay someone $30 shipped for one that would work for OTA.

PM me if interested.

I have two... But I won't give them up until I have something in writing that they are mine. Once I have the letter we can make a deal...
Hey perhaps Satellite Guys could hold a VOOM STB auction and a portion goes to help SG pay the bills.

I'll pay $50 per receiver + shipping. I need 2 STBs :)
Stirring the pot

I like how there are no gauarantees that disconnecting the sat dish will stop the kill signal

Guess that means they plan on having all the local digital stations send it out for them, OTA? LOL


I love how you decipher things. I never said that there are no guarantees disconnecting the sat dish. I said there are no guarantees by disconnecting the diplexer. If you leave the dish connected and take off the diplexer you still have a sat signal going to the ota module. I don't know if that module is capable of receiving a kill signal or not, you want to take the chance?

All I'm trying to do is help, and all you want to do is stir up more crap. What's the matter Lob, you getting bored with all the E* postings on a Voom site and just feel like taking it out on me? LOL
Kill signal 99.9% unlikely.......

The Voom service as we know it is officially ceased as of 3:00AM EDST on May 1st, 2005. The satellite is now broadcasting under the control of Dish Network and all transponders are broadcasting in DVB format with Nagravision 2 encryption coding. There is no way that they will switch the satellite back and do Digicypher 2 format in order to send a kill signal to the boxes. I also think that if a CSR does send a hit signal, that it will not go through. Most likely it will be sent to the unhooked encoders at the uplink center and won't go any further from there. There is the small possiblity of any information being sent to your set-top box through the phone line, but since this feature was never used, I doubt they would be able to do that. I've tried the reportback feature for months and all I get is "re-trying" and then "idle." It used to work when I first got the receiver, but after all the updates came through to my box, I think they cancelled out this feature. I'm just glad to have my reward of two free receivers with OTA tuners built-in. It saves me from spending out $400.00 on boxes at Wal-mart. Now, I have to figure out a way to get PSIP guide information to be displayed on-screen. :what
Nope...wasn't trying to pick on you at all...Just seemed to be a funny way to word it, that's all.

You should see some of the goof's I'VE made. Hell...probably have if you've been here awhile :)

lilyarbie said:
Now, I have to figure out a way to get PSIP guide information to be displayed on-screen. :what

And that's a nice puzzle to solve. I actually just use my cable guide, but I've always had digital cable anyway, and never dropped 'em when I went with VOOM, just because of the DVR :)

Now if I could just configure a PC to sit over there, so that I could record from the firewire port on my TV, then I could record my OTA HD stuff ;)

Dish told me Voom was going to pick up their equip.

Yesterday Dish installed the dish for receiving Voom channels and a 811 HD receiver. I wanted them to use the Voom OTA antenna but was told by the installer that they could not as Voom was going to pick up all their stuff. I was mad and called Dish while the guy was still here and they confirmed this. Fortunately, I was able to get the locals with an indoor antenna but it set me back another $49.
Wkirschman said:
Yesterday Dish installed the dish for receiving Voom channels and a 811 HD receiver. I wanted them to use the Voom OTA antenna but was told by the installer that they could not as Voom was going to pick up all their stuff. I was mad and called Dish while the guy was still here and they confirmed this. Fortunately, I was able to get the locals with an indoor antenna but it set me back another $49.
Voom MAY pick up the receivers, but they WILL NOT be picking up the OTA antenna. Regardless, the 811 has a built-in 8-VSB tuner (just like the Voom receiver) in order to receive OTA programming...just plug in your OTA antenna. If you have a powered antenna then you may need to purchase a power supply. If you were using a diplexer, I would have used the coax cable for OTA only and plugged it into the 811 OTA port. I would have also told the installer to run his own coax - no reuse. Call E* and tell them the installation was incomplete and that you want the job finished. If not, just remember that you have up to 3 days to cancel your order if you are not satisfied.

On the other hand, it's only $49 and if your digital locals are working then it may not be worth your time and effort. The choice is yours!

Good Luck...
That's frankly baloney. Even if they want to get the boxes, there's no way they are going to go around and collect the antennas. Just run the wire to your new box.

Official line from the CSR today: "We are sending you a letter in the next three weeks which will outline our proposition in regards to your boxes that you have purchased. But we (CSRs) don't know what's in it."
It's already been stated in regards to the receivers....

The receivers are for everyone to keep. They only ask that if we don't want them, then we should dispose of them in an environmentally safe way. There's been confirmations on this issue throughout this forum. This information leaked out yesterday afternoon and is now all over. There's also a CSR who is a member of the Voom forum who confirmed this. So, for the final say-so.........THE BOX IS YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!
We keep them

I called a CSR for VOOM today and was also told that we get to keep the units. :)

lilyarbie said:
The receivers are for everyone to keep. They only ask that if we don't want them, then we should dispose of them in an environmentally safe way. There's been confirmations on this issue throughout this forum. This information leaked out yesterday afternoon and is now all over. There's also a CSR who is a member of the Voom forum who confirmed this. So, for the final say-so.........THE BOX IS YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which doesn't address the box owners issue ;)
Send em all back

I say we all send em all back, pony the shipping ourselves, and leave a niiiiice mess @ the offices

madpoet said:
Which doesn't address the box owners issue ;)

According to the memo, customers that purchased their recievers will receive Voom's decision on their final statement. Unfortunatly, that's all I have for now.
fksammons said:
Ill will..that was quite a strech.
Amazing how some people will interpret things to stir up trouble.

I am glad you didn't see may post to be bashing VoOm, like others on here. I was just posting what happened to my stb.

I wish there was a way that I can use my VoOm Stb for OTA, but there isn't since VoOm deactivated my boxes earlier than I requested. Thats life and I have moved on with onther service provider.

I did enjoy VoOm for a whole year.
spahoose said:
Recently released update: Voom is releasing all ownership of the receivers to the customers, ie: it's yours to keep. No word on purchased receivers yet.
They can keep theirs too.

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