This incident is akin to piracy on Dish's part and tends to justify those who steal the satellite signal and indiscriminately copy DVDs using DVDShrink.

If they want to lower the ethics bar we can accommodate them !
tm22721 said:
This incident is akin to piracy on Dish's part and tends to justify those who steal the satellite signal and indiscriminately copy DVDs using DVDShrink.

If they want to lower the ethics bar we can accommodate them !

Huh???????????????????????????? :confused:
:cool: i think he is saying hackers are going to come out of the wood work and find a way to not only hack the dish signal with the 921 but activate the firewire or just the firewire itself cause someone is going to . Just like hacking dvd protection and cd protection and everyother thing supposedly hacker proof
tm22721 said:
This incident is akin to piracy on Dish's part and tends to justify those who steal the satellite signal and indiscriminately copy DVDs using DVDShrink.

If they want to lower the ethics bar we can accommodate them !

Ah, yes, the new math... two wrongs DO make a right. :no
I don't know if the JVC 921 owners are "lucky", since the page says with dual tuners you can record an SD program while you're also recording an HD program. Ooooooo...
the JVC unit is the same as a Echostar 921, it just has the JVC logo painted on it.

Hmm I wonder what JVC thinks of this devolopment.

BTW I saw a Admin of another site post this
If you purchased the 921 MAINLY for for the dishwire ports knowing that they would only work on select devices, IMHO you purchased the 921 for the wrong reason.
Man it's great to see their true colors coming out, you can see where their loyalties lie. (Actually its sad)

I believe people who purchased a 921 because of the Dishwire ports have a right to be pissed.

And while I can't talk too much about it, a national media company has interviewed me about the 921, 811 and other Dish Network problems as of late. More when I can say more. :)
Heck, I haven't received a 921 yet and I'm mad because the DishWire was a nice step up from anything else that was on the horizon.

What is for certain is that I won't go through with my planned purchase unless Dish Network lowers the price to reflect the decreased functionality. Removing what many view as a highly sought after feature and not lowering the price is just wrong.

As for those of you already owning the 921? You should seek compensation by way of a refund on part of the selling price, or free Dish Network service.
IMHO this is just the latest episode of E* fraud.

If they don't come clean it will encourage piracy. Many early adopters are also technically astute professionals, ie chip designers et al who have access to equipment that can easily reverse engineer the most complex ASIC.
If I buy a Cadillac, since this is supposed to be the luxury wagon of recievers, and the front windows don't roll down, I'd take it back to the dealership. If the dealership says "Yes, but the car runs smooth, and there is no operational defect in it's purpose of getting you from point A to point B."

If I wanted a car to get me from point A to Point B, I'd drive a beat up Pinto. If I wanted bells and whistles, I'd get a Cadillac.

I'd return the product, get my $999 back. I didn't get what I paid for. it all depends if you think it's worth turning it back in... is that feature like turn signals, or rear climate control? Is it that important?

On principle alone, I'd return it. It's not like the HD played on Dish right now isn't repeated often enough to warrant recording.

But then again, I don't have one, just my $0.02.
SpenceJT said:
Heck, I haven't received a 921 yet and I'm mad because the DishWire was a nice step up from anything else that was on the horizon.

What is for certain is that I won't go through with my planned purchase unless Dish Network lowers the price to reflect the decreased functionality. Removing what many view as a highly sought after feature and not lowering the price is just wrong.

As for those of you already owning the 921? You should seek compensation by way of a refund on part of the selling price, or free Dish Network service.

Please..... These receivers are already super expensive on the basis of the components alone used to manufacture each unit (1/3-1/2 of the cost is locked into the cost of a 250GB hard drive). There were rumors floating around that E* was losing money on each receiver sold, and was planning on making it up on programming. I don't know if anyone has gotten to the bottom of the true costs of the unit, but with or without DishWire the cost of the components and the labor to produce the unit have NOT dropped with the deletion of the DishWire support.

If you are absolutley horrified at the loss of the DVHS archiving capability then sell your machine on EBay AT A PROFIT and find another unit that does it for you, either within E* or elsewhere, but don't plan on E* refunding the full cost of the receivers (and why would you want to when you can MAKE money by selling it used on the aftermarket)
UPDATE: I'm still trying to confirm what I have been told and will post this information once I have done so. I just need tobe sure that what I have been told is true. Not an easy task.
BobMurdoch said:
...sell your machine on EBay AT A PROFIT and find another unit that does it for you, either within E* or elsewhere, but don't plan on E* refunding the full cost of the receivers (and why would you want to when you can MAKE money by selling it used on the aftermarket)
You may have read my post 'Bob', but it didn't quite sink in. I had stated that I haven't gotten a 921. That kind of makes selling something that I don't have on eBay an ethical issue! ;)

BobMurdoch said:
(1/3-1/2 of the cost is locked into the cost of a 250GB hard drive).
First of all, most buyers don't care how much Dish Network may or may not be losing on the 921 debacle. That would be a "Dish's problem" and not that of the consumer.

Second of all (I don't know if you are in the PC industry) 250GB Maxtor (as well as other brand) 7200RPM drives regularly sell "over the counter" for under $200 (lower after rebates)! "1/3-1/2 of the cost"? I think not. Also keep in mind that Dish Network would receive OEM pricing on "bulk" quantities which would further lower the price.

As witnessed by one of your earlier posts
BobMurdoch said:
My apologies... the last time I priced one out at Circuit City a year ago, they were selling for over $1000. I have not been watching to see if they dropped in price since then.
You need to get out shopping more often! ;)

The fact of the matter remains, if Dish cuts back on the functionality of the unit, they should have a corresponding cut in the selling price.

An earlier poster used a great automobile analogy. If I were to purchase a Cadillac that was advertised to have (for fun, let's say...) a "microwave oven" to re-heat pizza from the night before, and I ordered that vehicle with that option (no matter how trivial others may think it is), I would expect to get what I pay for! If for some reason Cadillac cannot make this "microwave oven" work and decides to remove the option from the vehicle that I plan to buy at a particular price, that price should (and in Cadillac's case "would") be reduced, due to the feature's removal.

This is all I'm saying (and I think some other potential 921 buyers would agree), unless Dish lowers the price to reflect the reduction in features, I "won't" be buying (which goes back to your suggestion that I sell something that I don't have on eBay for a profit). :D

As for the 921 owners who are happy with the product and accepting of the reduced feature, good for them. But keep in mind, for each one of these satisfied owners, there are more 921 owners who are furious over Dish's design failure and are not in denial over spending too much for a product that does not deliver on it's advertised features.

Perhaps you are in denial for having paid so much? :rolleyes:
SpenceJT said:
An earlier poster used a great automobile analogy. If I were to purchase a Cadillac that was advertised to have (for fun, let's say...) a "microwave oven" to re-heat pizza from the night before, and I ordered that vehicle with that option (no matter how trivial others may think it is), I would expect to get what I pay for! If for some reason Cadillac cannot make this "microwave oven" work and decides to remove the option from the vehicle that I plan to buy at a particular price, that price should (and in Cadillac's case "would") be reduced to the feature's removal.

For a true comparison though the car would come with the microwave installed but the controls to run it would be missing and available for future upgrade. So you have a car with the microwave and you get a letter saying they cannot ever install the controls to run it because the car will start making sudden left turns on its own.

Now, you still want a refund for the microwave you purchased that you can never use. I personally would settle for the next revision of the 921 that records HD and can offload to a blue-ray type device for half off. A free year of HD would be good too.

I personally am disappointed in the fact that the the 921 will not have 1394. But the limited implementation had ruined it for me already anyway. I wasn't going to buy a $1000 VCR to offload content to. I was hoping for an external Hard drive or blue ray type device but that wasn't going to happen.

OTA channels dissapearing from Guide

510 Hard Drive upgrade?

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