lex61564 said:
That dish 5000 HD module was an update provided by dish themselves, they rendered the 5000 in active and now this with the Dishwire, hum, something shady about all of this.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Dish 5000 module - Early HD technology married to an aging receiver that has now been made obsolete by newer technology.

DishWire - Feature used to promote sale of 921 receiver that has now been withdrawn.

And these 2 events are related how :confused:

They are related in the fact that neither works and we now don't have the ability to record movies via firewire, I have over 60 movies recorded with my old 5000 system and now that is a lost art(at least using Dish equipment)
It would seem that dish is not a huge advocator geared with archiving movies in mind.
See the relation now? Slowly but surely squeezing out our ability to record our own HD programing. You would think a newer piece of sate of the art electronics could master the firewire connections. An older system (5000 receiver) had it mastered years ago.
NightRyder said:
Are you saying that not removing the inaccurate document's would be more ethical :confused:

At this point Dish is morally guilty of misleading their customer's who purchased 921's. From an ethical standpoint they need to address these customers and offer some form of compensation.

Morally guilty of misleading their customers? That's interesting. That to me would imply that their was never any intention of supporting firewire whatsoever, and they just claimed it to drive sales. Perhaps, yes, in the short span when they finally decided it couldn't be done and finally conceding it wouldn't be supported, I could see that it would irresponsible to not come clean immediately.

I do, however, agree with your statement that from an ethical standpoint they need to offer compensation.
metallicafreak said:
People, the JVC 30K DVHS is a decent deck and it only cost $469 at ecost. The newer 40K is $689 at onecall. I saw this mentioned a couple of times as $1k so I just thought I would clarify

My apologies... the last time I priced one out at Circuit City a year ago, they were selling for over $1000. I have not been watching to see if they dropped in price since then.
lex61564 said:
They are related in the fact that neither works and we now don't have the ability to record movies via firewire, I have over 60 movies recorded with my old 5000 system and now that is a lost art(at least using Dish equipment)
It would seem that dish is not a huge advocator geared with archiving movies in mind.
See the relation now?

No. I see no hidden conspiracy behind these two disparate occurrences. :no

I have a few things I would like to say about this entire ordeal, I have taken some flack from a few people for me spilling the beans about this. Also some folks have said that because of me spilling the beans a possible work around fix for this problem has been dropped by Echostar.

First off, I will say outright that even if I did not post this news on Wednesday Night it WOULD have been posted by someone else on Wednesday night.

One of our good members found out the news by speaking to a person at Echostar whom I was also in contact with, this member wanted to see if I was going to post it and if I was not was it ok for him to post it. When I read to him what I aready had typed up already he got a kick out of it. If I did not post this information then the member would have done it, and would have done it here. This member was worried about posting it at another site because they knew because of their NDA's with Echostar the message would have been quickly removed.

Now as far as a work around that "is no longer possible" because the demise of the firewire ports on the 921 was leaked here at SatelliteGuys, that's biggest line of Bullsh!t I have heard in a long time. Do you really think that the guys at Echostar were working on a big secrect fix, and then because the news of this got out they threw up their hands and said "well our cover is blown... Lets scrap these plans for a work around"

You could bet if there was any kind of work around that could be done, they would be working on it now harder then ever. I believe the folks claiming these things should have a little air let out of their over inflated heads.

Now on to Mark Lamutt from DBSTalk. I don't envy the guy at all. He works hard and has done a lot in regards to the 921. The one thing we have learned from this is that he is nothing more then a mouth piece for Echostar and will only share with us what Echostar wants him to share, which is a shame. And while it is a shame I do understand why he does it.

Here at SatelliteGuys we don't play favorites with any company, we take great pride sharing both the good and bad news from all Satellite companies. We do this because we feel you should be informed so you can make an informed decission when you are spending you heard earned entertainment dollars.

As I mentioned before a few contacts have told me that Echostar is mad at me for spilling the beans. Again my feeling is the news was going to break no matter what, if Echostar is mad at anyone it should be Echostar, after all how long were they going to try pulling the wool over our eyes?

I will continue working to find out the truth for you, I have lots of inside sources from around the country who help me to get the word out of exactly whats going on. I take great pride in bringing you breaking news first.

Have a good weekend everyone, and once again thank you to our financial supporters who make this all possible.
I understand why Mark has to do what he has to do, and I don't fault him for wanting to keep the "official" lines of communication open. In exchange for veto rights (or implied veto rights over his declarations by wagging fingers against certain lines of info) he has to give up some of his ability to say what he wants when he wants it if he wants his line of info to stay open.

That being said, I don't see many at E* giving Scott any inside info for a while...... I wish they would just be straightforward with this info and we would be able to deal on that level, this whole coverup mentality just makes it worse when it eventually leaks out.
Can't help but add a few thoughts....

1) There are "expansion" slots inside the 921 chassis. Can there not be an "upgrade" hardware module made to provide Firewire?
Only Echostar would be able to answer that one. We're not talking a gazillion dollars to make a couple of hundred boards (all the 921's in the field?) and it makes the current 921 owners feel at least "taken care of".

2) if the 921 is "dead" as a product, then so be it. Roll on the 922 (or whatever) and MAKE SURE IT HAS FIREWIRE THAT CAN WORK! (and ensure the current 921 customer base gets the new units FOC!)

3) Echostar needs to light a few fires under their engineering group (Eldon?) and also ensure that either:

a) They do not pre-announce hardware, and test that what they do have works before launch - I find it amazing that the current hardware platform is found to have problems this late in the day.


b) Become more "open" with their customers and relay *OFFICIALLY* the bugs/problems that do exist and some timelines for solutions.
There's too much speculation and conjecture that only ensures more "damage control" to deal with.
How many posts do we see that say.... "I've heard rumour that the next XY.Z release will fix *this* issue".... and then discover that, no, in reality it only solves *that* issue, which was not a showstopper for the majority.

Heck, I don't own a 921 (was going to!) but settled on the 811.
Pretty much the same problems there though (dark picture - program guide problems - terrible OTA analog picture etc).

Oh, ECHOSTAR engineering, where art thou?
I am on the trail of some new information and if it turns out to be true, good God, if you thought this week was nuts, just wait. It will be explosive. Were are talking nuclear meltdown here.

sirlurkalot said:
Heck, I don't own a 921 (was going to!) but settled on the 811.
Pretty much the same problems there though (dark picture - program guide problems - terrible OTA analog picture etc).

Oh, ECHOSTAR engineering, where art thou?

[Rant On]
Good question. I own one of the very first 501s. Even at the very beginning it was NEVER as flaky as the 811 is. If the 811 was my sole or even primary receiver I would be royally pissed (and I don't even use the OTA part!). Yesterday we had a power outage. After the power was restored I had to disconnect and reconnect the cable from the dish in order to get it to finish a switch check! Oops I seem to have gone a little OT. Sorry. :o
[Rant Off]

Please keep up the good work Scott. Someone has to keep us informed and it doesn't look like it will be Dish. :no

Are you talking a paradigm shift in hardware development schemes? ...multiple career ending staffing decisions? You can't just waltz in here and drop a comment like this. ;)
gpflepsen said:
Are you talking a paradigm shift in hardware development schemes? ...multiple career ending staffing decisions? You can't just waltz in here and drop a comment like this. ;)

What Gerry said!!!
Matt_Stevens said:
Were are talking nuclear meltdown here.

My prediction - the 811 is scrapped because the dark output is a hardware problem. 5 months and two software upgrades are enough hints that this IRD is a turkey. Prove me wrong! I would love to be proven wrong. In the meantime, I have a 6000 coming my way, ready to swap out the 811.

beast37799 said:
how much would u like for your 811 ?

Ask me after software 266 comes out. That will be 3 strikes. Why would you want an 811 with horribly dark output?


OTA channels dissapearing from Guide

510 Hard Drive upgrade?

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