i really wish they would just be straight with use alot of people wouldnt be so upset if they just leveled with us is real sad that dish customers have to find out all this bad news from a web forum and remember 4000+ people use this forum but there are almost 10 million dish suscribers not even 1 percent so charlie be a man and level
NightRyder said:
Yeah, and in the end the lawyers get rich, and the most everyone will end up with is a free Dish PPV coupon 10 years from now :)

Don't get me wrong, I'm not siding with Dish on this in any way, but class action lawsuits are worthless BS.

true but its probley the only way to find out the truth
customhank said:
I am thinking that people who purchased a 921 should be eligible for a full $999 refund or a rebate on the unit for not having all its advertised features.

I have just filed a complaint to my states Atty Generals Office. I am REALLY REALLY mad. This was the reason I stayed with Dish and did not move to DirecTV.
What state is that? I'm in Colorado - Echostar's home state. I believe that it only takes a few (3-6) people to file class-action (I'll be making calls tomorrow). I can probably get enough from right here in Colorado, which would make it convienent, but the more the merrier.

This really has me pissed - especially if the 922 will have IEEE 1394. :mad:
beast37799 said:
true but its probley the only way to find out the truth

It may also make E* stop the practice of announcing features on products that are never delivered or delivered late. If they had just put the bloody things in the box and never said a word about them then they'd have every right in the world to never activate them. But E* had to call them "DISHWire" (even coming up with a special name for an IEEE 1394 interface) and say they would allow for connections to select products.
I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice.

Dish, unlike cable, never has you sign anything. It's up for debate how binding the agreement is. Afterall, most customers never signed anything, and the agreement was never disclosed before the sale. It's tucked away on the last couple pages of the manual.

That being said, Dishs agreement by no means bars your local AG office from acting. In fact if dish has broken laws relating to marketing in your state your AG will be more than happy to collect fees from Dish. Sure you'll end up getting a PPV coupon, but charle could be out a cool quarter mil.
GaryPen said:
In consumer-friendly states, one cannot forfiet his basic consumers' rights by agrreing to one of these BS agrrements. I would think that in those states, a consumer will be allowed to return the item in question (in this case, a 921) for a full refund, if it does not do what it was promised, especially if there is written and verbal promises made as to its features and abilities, as found in Dish's literature and Charlie Chats.

If the legal system was about fairness I agree everyone should be entitled to a full refund. But I've tried to take on a big corporation in court and found it to be pretty much a futile exercise. By the time we went to trial my independent inspectors were working for the company I was suing. I had a good case and a fine lawyer but they had $ and three fine attorneys. Can you guess the outcome? Maybe I'm jaded but I have no confidence in legal process.

If the 922 is real and makes it to market (the 921 took well over 2 years), it could be good.

The lack of dishwire as in the sales slick is a problem for E*. Forget class action, individual suits in small claims court is probably better. Will cost them more than the refund to fight it. Besides, it will be a real pain for them to constantly go to court, over and over again. Good part is you don't need a lawyer an filing fees are cheap.
Even if the lawyers get big bucks for this and all yall get are PPV coupons or your refunds, think of the bad press this will bring for DISH. The viacom and turner things aren't helping, and with a class action lawsuit going on, this will seal the deal for DISH getting bad press and preventing people from signing up.

This is why I switched. I have a nice stable tivo unit. True it doesn't have firewire, and it doesn't have it's USB ports enabled, yet, but at least you can hack it, or wait until this fall when the 4.0 software for dtivo will be out and enable the usb ports.

They at least say the USB ports are for future use. They didn't ship the units and also say "Hey, you also get usable USB ports" unlike DISH with the CC saying Dishwire (stupid name IMHO) will be active or is active and will work with some devices.

I say get as many people as you can and file the class action against E*!!
922... hmm. Change the model number on the 921 and don't claim dishwire/firewire as a feature. Discontinue the 921. They've actually shipped what a 100 or 2 921's... easily deal with those customers that are not happy with the loss of this feature by either refunding or replacing with a 922. Sure, it makes them look bad but they are already there.
I believe I am going to ask Dish to take back my 921 and ask for a full refund. I purchased my 921 on the basis that it would do certain things. I have even been told by a few at Dish that the firewire code was written and ready to go it was just waiting for the OK from Legal before they could release it.

I am upset, as I believe all 921 owners should be.

And while I am the bearer of bad news I am happy I could have dug to find this out, if I didn't say anything today many would still be waiting and wondering if the Dishwire ports were ever going to be active. If I didnt say anything when do you think dish was going to say something official about this?
I hope Charlie has the foresight to get the hosts of the next Technical Chat measured for a quality set of flame retardant suits. That show is going to be a rough assignment.
BCH said:
I hope Charlie has the foresight to get the hosts of the next Technical Chat measured for a quality set of flame retardant suits. That show is going to be a rough assignment.

Why, they won't say anything on the show (it they don't acknowledge the problem it doesn't exist ;) ) and the screeners won't let anyone on. Who knows, they might even implement a 5 second delay just in case.
Well, I fired off my first ever email to

I really can't say anything other than I'm sincerely and genuinely disappointed with Echostar right now.

We've been championing Dish's commitment to HD and cutting-edge technology for a *long* time. Now, what's being offered to us? A buggy, non-spec PVR with a UI already surpassed by the yet unreleased HD-TiVo. I've justified staying with Dish by rhetorically asking "Who's going to take care of the HDTV audience in the long run?" I cannot honestly answer with "Echostar" anymore.

With all the shortages, content provider disputes/blackouts, recalls, lack of hardware/software QA, and conflicting statements from their own, what's going on with this company?

I love my Dish service, but how much more can we dedicated customers take?

Scott Greczkowski said:
I believe I am going to ask Dish to take back my 921 and ask for a full refund. I purchased my 921 on the basis that it would do certain things. I have even been told by a few at Dish that the firewire code was written and ready to go it was just waiting for the OK from Legal before they could release it.

I am upset, as I believe all 921 owners should be.

And while I am the bearer of bad news I am happy I could have dug to find this out, if I didn't say anything today many would still be waiting and wondering if the Dishwire ports were ever going to be active. If I didnt say anything when do you think dish was going to say something official about this?

Even though I switched, I would like to say this about what you said. We couldn't trust DISH with the truth. We are glad that you will go out of your way to find out the truth. I hope you will do the same for us Directvers too. :)
The #1 reason for the Firewire going ba-bye is due to hardware problems. Problems caused by a company that simply cannot do anything right. Heads have rolled over this and more will fall.

This is triple confirmed. The MPAA had nothing to do with it.
This adds insult into the 5000 + Mod injury. Glad I did not "trade up" and actually sold off my 921 and other Dish gear. You can fool some of the people, some of the time. This gives cable a definite advantage (and there are DVRs with firewire). It also gives DirecTV a definite advantage comparing closed boxes, i.e., folks only wanting a refined timeshifting capability.

OTA channels dissapearing from Guide

510 Hard Drive upgrade?

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