and how many disputes has Dish had?
a lot more than "1"
Well D* did drop Lifetime's Real Women channel too.
Man I'm glad I don't have HD so instead of see this.....
and how many disputes has Dish had?
a lot more than "1"
The problem is that the customers have no choice. If SD contracts had been up, I am sure Disney would have yanked all the SD channels too, to force Dish to comply with HD carriage.
These big conglomerates own a bunch of channels, they force carriage of them all in as low a tier as they think they can force on the sat/cable companies. They hold the entire block of channels hostage for any of their channels.
Thats INSANE! you can Buy a 612 for Less then $200
One of my good friends Just bought one off Ebay for $197 Including shipping.
Trust me You don't want one anyone. I'd rather keep paying the $7 extra then go with a 612 ever again.