Its confirmed..... aliens have visited from outer space

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Other astronauts namely, Buzz Aldren who was on the first moon landing mission, and Gordo Cooper, who is one of the original Mercury Astronauts. Have both verified the existance of ufos. Point being that they are Credable witnesses.
I worked for a guy in Houston that had to be from Outer Space. That was almost 30 years ago and that still is my explaination for him.

I sleep at night, knowing the NO human being is that paranoid, that angry, that vendictive, without using drugs.

He has to be from "outta town"
I think that the surest way to tell if these astronauts are telling the truth is to bring ina phrenologist to study the bumps on their heads. if the bumps move while they describe their encounters with aliens we will know they are lying.

of course if they have 7 bumps on their head they are probably telling the truth anyway because the number seven symbolizes truthfulness.
Dr. Edgar Mitchell, OK it's an honorary doctorate from four different universities, actually walked on the moon. I don't consider him"this person" but an American hero. He has written books from 1976 through 1996. Back when he was an astronaut, I remember he was conducting ESP research while flying high in a space capsule and it was a media event.

Dr. Mitchell has a real PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The last I checked this wasn't exactly a light-weight University.

Let me add to this.

Given the technology required to transport a being from one galaxy to another at speeds fast enough to make it a viable option would be far above and beyond what we can do at our current development. Lets say that the speed isnt up to par yet but they have the ability to put a being into suspended animation for a great length of time and support its biological requirements for a time frame that would be equal to say 50 of our earth years, thats still far above and beyond our current ability.

Why can't they be from this galaxy as opposed to another one? Is there some condition in the Milky Way which would preclude multiple systems that have produced life? We're now finding planets to be fairly commonplace.

So lets say that they are here wouldnt it be an obvious requirement of any research team or individual doing research to remain hidden even in daylight out in the open? Why would any alien being allow themselves or their ship to be seen by the inhabitants of a world that is just barely into the first second of its technological life cycle and risk being caught? Late last year or early this year a news article talked about how researches have been able to make a crude invisibility cloak that can bend light around small objects but even if its true the equipment required to do such a thing is still atleast 40 years away from being small enough to carry on a belt and strong enough to last for any decent length of time.

In other words, it's possible for a more advanced civilization.

Did you ever notice to that when someone such as this person comes along and proclaims that its been a cover up all along its usually years or decades after they left service with the goverment and have made other far fetched statements and are looking to write a book or do it at a time when something relating to the subject has been in the news? There was an ex military fellow doing the same thing a year or two ago who was also talking around the time of the alien autopsy fiasco.

Oh, I'm quite skeptical of the claims, but I'm not dismissing them entirely. If I did that, I'd probably miss the time when this becomes real.
Although his credentials are valid, the world will need hard proof.

When one of these puppies lands in the middle of a Super Bowl game or on the White House lawn, then people around the world would realize that we aren't alone. :)

Unless it happens on the same day that Brittney Spears moons the paprazzi, then they'll spend 5 minutes on the aliens, and go back to wall to wall Brittney coverage. :rolleyes:
Oh, I believe there's life elsewhere, maybe/probably intelligent life. But I also believe that if they came here and didn't want to be seen, we'd never see them.
If their technology is sufficiently advanced, they don't need to care if we see them or not.
I'm more of the impression that ALFs could exist in some form that we can't perceive with our innate senses, and that the proof will be mathematical, a "language" common to all (?)

If the chance of ALFs in any given system in the universe is infintessimally small, but the size of the universe is nearly infinite, then isn't P(ALF somewhere) ~= 1 ??
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This is mehreen sehgal here..
