Have you tried doing a "View Source" on the page that has the Cnet ad? I noticed you're using FF too. Usually spyware doesn't effect FF as much as Exploder.
This time I turned off all my ad and script blockers for this site and I couldn't get the Cnet one to come up. I got a Windoze live, Comcast, etc., from Burstnet and a few from Chitika that has the text box, but not the Cnet one. I would check on my roomie's puter, but he's asleep so I can access it.
Update: I was able to get it to show up after 24,504.01 tries! I captured the text from the view source thing just for the area in question... Not sure that will help.
This time I turned off all my ad and script blockers for this site and I couldn't get the Cnet one to come up. I got a Windoze live, Comcast, etc., from Burstnet and a few from Chitika that has the text box, but not the Cnet one. I would check on my roomie's puter, but he's asleep so I can access it.
Update: I was able to get it to show up after 24,504.01 tries! I captured the text from the view source thing just for the area in question... Not sure that will help.
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Well its a little white box link, and sometimes it has cnet, sometimes amazon sometimes differnt stuff, with a text box you can type in.. Its on the website itself, I know its not spyware or adware...Although sophisticated programs they havent been able to embed themselves onto a site yet...
EDIT-- Speak of the devil heres the cnet thingie..