ISF Calibration Question..


Original poster
May 17, 2004
I plan to have my Hitachi 51SWX ISF calibrated in June by Gregg Loewen. I have read in a few threads that "most people do not like results of the calibration initially, but after a few weeks they get used to it" or something to that effect. Is this true?? I assume it has something to do with the screen not being as bright as it once was??

Can anyone tell me what should I expect after my ISF calibration? Has anyone been disatisfied with the picture after the ISF calibration?

Thanks in advance.

I just had my 65" Mitsu Diamond RPTV calibrated ans yes he will tone it down in brightness , contrast and sharpness. He said the factory settings are to make the picture explode in your face. But after he plugged in his equipment and reset it and did 64 point convergence setting on all inputs it looks better and not so hard on the eyes in a dark room.He also said the factory settings will cause burn in sooner in my case .
I really like the way the Pioneer Electronics site is written:

'Although all Pioneer Elite PureVision Plasma TVs and PTVs deliver an outstanding picture "out of the box", they are not, of course, perfectly tuned to your own media room.'

What really is the case is due to manufacturing tolerences, and the need to have the picture "WOW" you on the showroom floor, they pump up the picture, which needs to be toned down with ISF calibration. I may be wrong, but I though that ISF calibration does not factor in room conditions at all.

Of course, major kudos to them for having a ISF on/off setting of course.

My 6 year old Pioneer Elite 4:3 SD RPTV is still going strong, and looks better than most HD RPTV's. If I do want True HD, I merely go into the home theater with the 92" front projector (Sony VPL-HS20)

Just in a ball park figure, how much does calibrating an HDTV big screen TV cost? Is there a way to extrapolate dollars to inches?
"most people do not like results of the calibration initially, but after a few weeks they get used to it"

If people are saying that then whoever did their ISF did not know what the hell they were doing.

I had Gregg Loewen work on my TV (which I though I had loook good before he came) and was AMAZED with the way it looked when he was done.

It is worth the money. :D
bnaivar said:
Just in a ball park figure, how much does calibrating an HDTV big screen TV cost? Is there a way to extrapolate dollars to inches?
In relation to the cost of a calibration, display size does not matter, but because the calibration settings are input/source specific, the number of inputs you want calibrated may be a factor.

Gregg did my 53" Panny in February. My primary issues with the set were geometry and red push. He adjusted levels for viewing in a darkened room (like at the movie theatre) It took a few weeks to become accustomed to the slightly muted picture levels, particularly when watching tv in the daytime (I have windows), but I just flip to a more appropriate picture mode as necessary. When I darken the room, the picture is good, but HD after the cal isn't quite as sharp as it was with the factory settings. Also, I have a new HD receiver since Gregg was here, so I will have a few things for him to do when he returns for a re-cal.

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