Is tonight NBA-TV HD game going to be on E*?

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
Boston vs NY Knicks at 7:30pm. If I had to bet on it, I will say that it will not. What bunch of #%$^%^?
I read in another forum that unless E* or D* carries InHD, there would not be any NBA-TV HD games carried by E* or D* (speculation!!!). If this so, then David Stern has done everyone a disservice. Last year these games used to be free. Thanks Scott for looking into this...
This is Michael's origional message to me letting us know the HD games would be on Dish...

From: Schwimmer, Michael
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 9:27 AM
To: Scott Greczkowski
Subject: RE: Question and a comment.

Scott: Sorry for the delay in responding. We'll have the NBA HD games.



I have heard nothing to my email to him today. I will post something if and when I hear it. I know Michael is very busy as of late hammering down some big programming issues.
Scott, since you have the inside scoop, could you ask him if the upcoming Mavs/Blazers game can be seen by Portlanders? The games are blacked out except for the Mavs home area, it would be nice if we could see it too.

I would have to be on the HD Events channel which is a SuperDish/Wing satellite channel. Not a Dish500 channel like the big 4.
I got a reply. :)

The answer is NO for tonight, however they are looking to begin offering HD Games on or around December 3rd for those that Subscribe to NBA League Pass, Everything pack or Multi Sport package.

They are still however finalizing details.

So if I hear more you will hear more. :)
Could it be the NBA HD games come with INHD, which could be coming in December?

Positive thinking here...
gpflepsen said:
Could it be the NBA HD games come with INHD, which could be coming in December?

Positive thinking here...

That will be a wonderful idea. Where will they put INHD-61.5 or 105? I think 105 which requires superdish and we won't get until all of these local cities are installed. :|

Dish 811 & HD DVR Available From Gateway Now..Or so they

So, what's the holdup? 811/921

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